The fox had a wide d ie ta ry range, consist ing of app rox ima te ly 70 prey species. T h e main food groups w e r e of v e r t e b r a t e origin, supp lemented by inver tebra tes, grasses and f ru i t s. The ma in food i tems were smal l rodents, domest ic mammal s, apples and domest ic chickens. G a m e m a m-mals a n d b i rds did not play a s ign i f ican t role as prey in the fox ' s d ie tary needs. The observed regional and seasonal va r ia t ions in the fox ' s prey revea l the oppor tunis t ic feed ing behav io r of the fox, uti l izing mainly foods which a re more a b u n d a n t and easily obta inable
The red fox Vulpes vulpes is one of the world’s most widespread carnivores. A key to its success has...
The flexible social organisation of the Red fox and its ability to adapt readily to environmental ch...
mountainous area in the northern Apennines. The scats wcre analyzed to identify differences between ...
<strong>Abstract</strong> From December 1986 to May 1988 the diet of the fox was studie...
Understanding variation in the diet of widely distributed species can help us to predict how they re...
1. Understanding variation in the diet of widely distributed species can help us to predict how they...
The flexible social organisation of the Red fox and its ability to adapt readily to environmental ch...
The diet of the red fox Vulpes vulpes was studied in the province of Pisa, Central Italy, analysing ...
La région alimentaire du renard roux a été étudié par analyse des fèces dans la zone côtière italien...
Factors affecting activity, habitat use, and home-range size of the red fox were analysed in a highl...
Food composition of the Red Fox Vulpes vulpes populations in different habitats in Egypt is investig...
The diet of the Red fox Vulpes vulpes was studied by faecal analysis in a coastal area of central It...
Although fires are common in Mediterranean ecosystems, there are substantial knowledge gaps regardin...
The red fox Vulpes vulpes is one of the world’s most widespread carnivores. A key to its success has...
The red fox Vulpes vulpes has one of the largest geographie range of ali land mammals (excluding man...
The red fox Vulpes vulpes is one of the world’s most widespread carnivores. A key to its success has...
The flexible social organisation of the Red fox and its ability to adapt readily to environmental ch...
mountainous area in the northern Apennines. The scats wcre analyzed to identify differences between ...
<strong>Abstract</strong> From December 1986 to May 1988 the diet of the fox was studie...
Understanding variation in the diet of widely distributed species can help us to predict how they re...
1. Understanding variation in the diet of widely distributed species can help us to predict how they...
The flexible social organisation of the Red fox and its ability to adapt readily to environmental ch...
The diet of the red fox Vulpes vulpes was studied in the province of Pisa, Central Italy, analysing ...
La région alimentaire du renard roux a été étudié par analyse des fèces dans la zone côtière italien...
Factors affecting activity, habitat use, and home-range size of the red fox were analysed in a highl...
Food composition of the Red Fox Vulpes vulpes populations in different habitats in Egypt is investig...
The diet of the Red fox Vulpes vulpes was studied by faecal analysis in a coastal area of central It...
Although fires are common in Mediterranean ecosystems, there are substantial knowledge gaps regardin...
The red fox Vulpes vulpes is one of the world’s most widespread carnivores. A key to its success has...
The red fox Vulpes vulpes has one of the largest geographie range of ali land mammals (excluding man...
The red fox Vulpes vulpes is one of the world’s most widespread carnivores. A key to its success has...
The flexible social organisation of the Red fox and its ability to adapt readily to environmental ch...
mountainous area in the northern Apennines. The scats wcre analyzed to identify differences between ...