Treść artykułu zorientowana jest na ukazanie istoty i wartości duchowości komunijnej w ujęciu ks. kard. S. Wyszyńskiego. W świetle jego nauczania istota owej duchowości polega na bezgranicznym zaufaniu człowieka Bogu. Jej zaś wartość ujawnia się w skutecznym jego oddziaływaniu na otoczenie, tj. miłosiernej wrażliwości na potrzeby bliźnich i poszanowaniu środowiska ich egzystowania.The focus of the article is on presenting the essence and values of communion spirituality according to Cardinal S. Wyszyński. Seen from the perspective of his teaching, the essence of this spirituality consists in man's boundless trust in God. Its value unfolds in man's effective influence on his environment, i.e. in his merciful sensitivity to the needs of his n...
Finished in 2015 in Rome synod, devoted to the issues of marriage and family shows the paramount imp...
Crowds of thousands listening to the Gospel at the stadium provoke asking about the nature of this p...
One of the important platforms of the ecumenical dialogue between Eastern and Western Churches is mo...
The call to holiness is for the baptized the gift and task. It is a marvelous gift of God's infinite...
Conjugal love guarantees not only a safe and harmonious life to the spouses, but also is an importan...
The article outlines the teaching of the Church fathers on marriage and family. Although ancient pri...
Nowadays, we are witnessing crisis in marriage and family; its most dangerous symptom is a growing n...
Ecological spirituality is – strongly taking into account and stressing the relationship with the wo...
Inspiracją dla autora artykułu stały się zebrane w Liście do moich kapłanów refleksje Prymasa Wyszyń...
Nauczanie to kształtowało w ciągu wieków pewną stałą tradycję. Musiało jednocześnie konfrontować s...
The Resurrection of Christ is one of the fundamental dogmas of the Christian faith. Can this event b...
Theology has recently witnessed a renewed interest in the primary mystery of Christianity, namely th...
Christians live in an increasingly open world. The widespread availability of media, tourism, and ne...
Modern society is proud of the various achievements of civilization, including the various technolog...
St. John Chrysostom, who was born about 349 after Christ, was one of the greatest preachers in the h...
Finished in 2015 in Rome synod, devoted to the issues of marriage and family shows the paramount imp...
Crowds of thousands listening to the Gospel at the stadium provoke asking about the nature of this p...
One of the important platforms of the ecumenical dialogue between Eastern and Western Churches is mo...
The call to holiness is for the baptized the gift and task. It is a marvelous gift of God's infinite...
Conjugal love guarantees not only a safe and harmonious life to the spouses, but also is an importan...
The article outlines the teaching of the Church fathers on marriage and family. Although ancient pri...
Nowadays, we are witnessing crisis in marriage and family; its most dangerous symptom is a growing n...
Ecological spirituality is – strongly taking into account and stressing the relationship with the wo...
Inspiracją dla autora artykułu stały się zebrane w Liście do moich kapłanów refleksje Prymasa Wyszyń...
Nauczanie to kształtowało w ciągu wieków pewną stałą tradycję. Musiało jednocześnie konfrontować s...
The Resurrection of Christ is one of the fundamental dogmas of the Christian faith. Can this event b...
Theology has recently witnessed a renewed interest in the primary mystery of Christianity, namely th...
Christians live in an increasingly open world. The widespread availability of media, tourism, and ne...
Modern society is proud of the various achievements of civilization, including the various technolog...
St. John Chrysostom, who was born about 349 after Christ, was one of the greatest preachers in the h...
Finished in 2015 in Rome synod, devoted to the issues of marriage and family shows the paramount imp...
Crowds of thousands listening to the Gospel at the stadium provoke asking about the nature of this p...
One of the important platforms of the ecumenical dialogue between Eastern and Western Churches is mo...