Abstract This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved in the animated reappearance of the Legend of the White Snake in Japan in the 1950s. Driven by the multiple demands of a new post-Second World War era in East and South-east Asia, where the business of making new images was more urgent, profitable and competitive than ever before, the tale served both micro and macro purposes. Since the legendary tale was well known in the Chinese-speaking world and was initially a joint film project between Japan and Hong Kong, one would have expected the producers (Toei Animation Studio) to envisage the animated tale as primarily for Chinese audiences. However, the Japanese producers had, or later discovered, a wider hidden agenda in makin...
The article aims to introduce the history of Japanese documentaries that show the diseases of Minama...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
China has a long and thriving tradition of folktales. These tales always abound with ghosts and spir...
This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved in the animated reappearance of the Legend...
This paper discusses the acceptance and transformation of narrative in two Japanese films, The Legen...
2014-06-09This dissertation is a history of the early Japanese animation industry during the first h...
Abstract This article explores the internationalization of Japanese anime (animation) in an effort t...
This article examines the aspects that influenced the emergence of the animation industry format aim...
In this article I shall explore the position of animated films in the first decades of the cinema's ...
The article discusses a subject that has not been examined in Polish Film Studies yet, namely the sp...
The film series “White Snake” of Light Chaser Animation is an attempt to internationalize Chinese co...
Conventional studies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution usually come from a human-centered perspecti...
For my thesis, I will be exploring the entire history of the medium of animation. Even in recent yea...
In 1896, a French cinema pioneer named George Méliès demonstrated that an object could be set to mot...
This article explores the interplay among economic imperatives within the entertainment business, th...
The article aims to introduce the history of Japanese documentaries that show the diseases of Minama...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
China has a long and thriving tradition of folktales. These tales always abound with ghosts and spir...
This article analyses and elucidates the factors involved in the animated reappearance of the Legend...
This paper discusses the acceptance and transformation of narrative in two Japanese films, The Legen...
2014-06-09This dissertation is a history of the early Japanese animation industry during the first h...
Abstract This article explores the internationalization of Japanese anime (animation) in an effort t...
This article examines the aspects that influenced the emergence of the animation industry format aim...
In this article I shall explore the position of animated films in the first decades of the cinema's ...
The article discusses a subject that has not been examined in Polish Film Studies yet, namely the sp...
The film series “White Snake” of Light Chaser Animation is an attempt to internationalize Chinese co...
Conventional studies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution usually come from a human-centered perspecti...
For my thesis, I will be exploring the entire history of the medium of animation. Even in recent yea...
In 1896, a French cinema pioneer named George Méliès demonstrated that an object could be set to mot...
This article explores the interplay among economic imperatives within the entertainment business, th...
The article aims to introduce the history of Japanese documentaries that show the diseases of Minama...
With the rising popularity of anime amongst animation students, audiences and scholars around the wo...
China has a long and thriving tradition of folktales. These tales always abound with ghosts and spir...