These results point to some fundamen-tal difference or differences in the mode of action of antibiotics in the metabolism of chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. A number of theories, with considerable evi-dence for each have been proposed to account for the action of dietary anti-biotics. These results lend some support to the suggestion that antibiotics may exert their effect by any one, or all, of several means. SUMMARY Aureomycin, diamine penicillin, pro-caine penicillin, streptomycin and terra-mycin increased the growth and feed efficiency of goslings to four weeks of age. With one exception the antibiotics also increased growth and feed efficiency from 4 to 8 weeks when the goslings were on grass range. All antibiotics improved feed ef...
ABSTRACT A study of the growth-promoting effects of penicillin, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, bamberm...
ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the diet on the chick growth respons...
The comparative effects of two different feed additives (Bacillus probiotic and antibiotic growth pr...
THE results of feeding combinations of antibiotics have been reported by several investigators. Reyn...
eral antibiotics to increse the growth rate of chicks adequately suppled with vitamin B12. Atkinson ...
McGINNIS a al. (1949) reported a growth promoting effect of a fer-mentation supplement for turkey po...
AMARKED growth promoting effect of a fermentation supplement, now known to contain aureomycin, for t...
의학과/석사[한글] [영문] The growth-promoting action of antibioties is apparently confirmed by experiments...
effect of antibiotics on intestinal micro-organisms in an attempt to elucidate the mechanism whereby...
A study has been made on the growth stimulatory-effect of antibiotics when fed to chicks as suppleme...
A review of recent research work Over the past few years considerable publicity has been given to th...
COATES el al. (1951) found that, with chicks fed a purified diet, the pres-ence of penicillin had no...
PENICILLIN has been reported by Slinger et al. (1953) to stimulate growth in cross bred male gosling...
The growth-permitting ability of antibiotics fed to broiler chicks was studied as it relates to the ...
COATES et al. (1951, 1952) reported that chicks reared from day-old to 3 weeks of age in quarters no...
ABSTRACT A study of the growth-promoting effects of penicillin, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, bamberm...
ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the diet on the chick growth respons...
The comparative effects of two different feed additives (Bacillus probiotic and antibiotic growth pr...
THE results of feeding combinations of antibiotics have been reported by several investigators. Reyn...
eral antibiotics to increse the growth rate of chicks adequately suppled with vitamin B12. Atkinson ...
McGINNIS a al. (1949) reported a growth promoting effect of a fer-mentation supplement for turkey po...
AMARKED growth promoting effect of a fermentation supplement, now known to contain aureomycin, for t...
의학과/석사[한글] [영문] The growth-promoting action of antibioties is apparently confirmed by experiments...
effect of antibiotics on intestinal micro-organisms in an attempt to elucidate the mechanism whereby...
A study has been made on the growth stimulatory-effect of antibiotics when fed to chicks as suppleme...
A review of recent research work Over the past few years considerable publicity has been given to th...
COATES el al. (1951) found that, with chicks fed a purified diet, the pres-ence of penicillin had no...
PENICILLIN has been reported by Slinger et al. (1953) to stimulate growth in cross bred male gosling...
The growth-permitting ability of antibiotics fed to broiler chicks was studied as it relates to the ...
COATES et al. (1951, 1952) reported that chicks reared from day-old to 3 weeks of age in quarters no...
ABSTRACT A study of the growth-promoting effects of penicillin, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, bamberm...
ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the diet on the chick growth respons...
The comparative effects of two different feed additives (Bacillus probiotic and antibiotic growth pr...