The results of a laboratory invest igat ion concern ing the cathodic behav ior of TiB2-based mater ia ls in a luminum elec-trolysis are presented and discussed. X-ray microanalys is reveals sod ium penetrat ion, the extent of wh ich is in agreement w i th e lectrochemica l predict ions cons ider ing the codeposi t ion of sod ium with the a luminum at the cathode. The app l i ca t ion to cathode des ign of conduct ive mate-r ials wet ted by l iqu id a luminum [e.g., t i tan ium d ibor ide and o ther s imi lar mater ia ls of ten re ferred to as re f ractory hard meta ls (RHM)] represents the most p romis ing med ium-term modi f i cat ion for reduc ing energy usage in the convent iona l Ha l l-H~rou l t p rocess (1-9). The cel l wou ld then b...
With a visw to cbvdop an dbemats tahdogy for duminiim production preliminsry study on the electrdysi...
Ti electrolysis by using a DC-ESR unit was performed in a CaF2-CaO-TiO2 bath, and the influence of t...
The lifetime of an aluminum electrolysis cell is mainly determined by the cathode wear, especially f...
This study reports the direct production of an aluminium-titanium alloy during aluminium electrolysi...
Aluminum is the third most common element and the crust's most abundant metal. Nowadays, aluminum is...
The objective of this study is to deposit titanium metal on a molten metal pool of aluminium, by ele...
Aluminum is a material with a variety of uses in various fields because this material is easy to obt...
Aluminum cathodes have long been used for the electrowinning of zinc from zinc sulfatesulfuric acid...
Indium electrowinning process from sulfate solution on copper, titanium and aluminum cathodes (Cu, T...
The dependence of the cathodic behavior of a Ti ion on the molar ratio of CaO to TiO2 (RCaO/TiO2) wa...
The dependence of the cathodic behavior of a Ti ion on the molar ratio of CaO to TiO2 (RCaO/TiO2) wa...
The purpose of these studies was to determine if results similar to those of Fleischmann and Pons co...
Titanium diboride is being evaluated as a substitute cathode material in aluminum cells for energy s...
The polarization studies have been performed on the electrochemical reduction of TiO2 in a molten Ca...
During the constant-current batch electrolysis of L-cystine hydrochloride to produce L-cysteine hydr...
With a visw to cbvdop an dbemats tahdogy for duminiim production preliminsry study on the electrdysi...
Ti electrolysis by using a DC-ESR unit was performed in a CaF2-CaO-TiO2 bath, and the influence of t...
The lifetime of an aluminum electrolysis cell is mainly determined by the cathode wear, especially f...
This study reports the direct production of an aluminium-titanium alloy during aluminium electrolysi...
Aluminum is the third most common element and the crust's most abundant metal. Nowadays, aluminum is...
The objective of this study is to deposit titanium metal on a molten metal pool of aluminium, by ele...
Aluminum is a material with a variety of uses in various fields because this material is easy to obt...
Aluminum cathodes have long been used for the electrowinning of zinc from zinc sulfatesulfuric acid...
Indium electrowinning process from sulfate solution on copper, titanium and aluminum cathodes (Cu, T...
The dependence of the cathodic behavior of a Ti ion on the molar ratio of CaO to TiO2 (RCaO/TiO2) wa...
The dependence of the cathodic behavior of a Ti ion on the molar ratio of CaO to TiO2 (RCaO/TiO2) wa...
The purpose of these studies was to determine if results similar to those of Fleischmann and Pons co...
Titanium diboride is being evaluated as a substitute cathode material in aluminum cells for energy s...
The polarization studies have been performed on the electrochemical reduction of TiO2 in a molten Ca...
During the constant-current batch electrolysis of L-cystine hydrochloride to produce L-cysteine hydr...
With a visw to cbvdop an dbemats tahdogy for duminiim production preliminsry study on the electrdysi...
Ti electrolysis by using a DC-ESR unit was performed in a CaF2-CaO-TiO2 bath, and the influence of t...
The lifetime of an aluminum electrolysis cell is mainly determined by the cathode wear, especially f...