In a previous publication (Katz and Ngai, 1962) the respiratory effects of diethyl ether in the cat were studied. The mechanisms of yen-tilatory changes during anesthesia with this agent were examined with respect to respon-siveness of the respiratory center, influence of afferent vagal activity, alterations in acid-base balance and possible interference with neuro-muscular transmission. It was concluded that diethyl ether is primarily a central respiratory depressant but caused tachypnea. Although tachypnea may be partially attributed to in-creased afferent vagal activity, the development of respiratory acidosis during etherization plays a particularly significant role in its production
Cyclopropane was found to produce no significant changes in pulmonary vascular resistance or the pul...
To determine cardiopulmonary effects of incremental doses of dopamine and phenylephrine during isofl...
The receptor sites and nerve pathways involved in the reflex production of laryngospasm have been in...
Laryngospasm and apnoea or alterations in the rhythm of respiration have been pro-duced in decerebra...
Tidal volume (KT), minute ventilation (KE), the duration of inspiration and expiration, and Paco, we...
There is a number of conditions in which rapid and shallow breathing occurs in spite of the absence ...
Teflurane, a halogenated hydrocarbon anaesthetic, was compared with approximately equipotent concent...
The activity of the pulmonary vasoconstrictor response to alveolar hypoxia was assessed by measur-in...
The cardiopulmonary effects of desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia were compared in cats breathing...
Sympathetic activity was recorded before and during administration of various anaes-thetic drugs, in...
of vagal C-fibers alters timing and distribution of respiratory motor output in cats. J. Appl. Physi...
A method was developed to standardize the induction of seizure activity during enflurane anaesthesia...
WEIL. Effects of haloperidol and dornperidone on ventilatory roll off during sustained hypoxia in ca...
Dogs have been anaesthetized with halothane, ether and cyclopropane, and the depth was kept constant...
High frequency ventilation(HFV) induces respiratory depression due to vagal afferent inputs. To clar...
Cyclopropane was found to produce no significant changes in pulmonary vascular resistance or the pul...
To determine cardiopulmonary effects of incremental doses of dopamine and phenylephrine during isofl...
The receptor sites and nerve pathways involved in the reflex production of laryngospasm have been in...
Laryngospasm and apnoea or alterations in the rhythm of respiration have been pro-duced in decerebra...
Tidal volume (KT), minute ventilation (KE), the duration of inspiration and expiration, and Paco, we...
There is a number of conditions in which rapid and shallow breathing occurs in spite of the absence ...
Teflurane, a halogenated hydrocarbon anaesthetic, was compared with approximately equipotent concent...
The activity of the pulmonary vasoconstrictor response to alveolar hypoxia was assessed by measur-in...
The cardiopulmonary effects of desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia were compared in cats breathing...
Sympathetic activity was recorded before and during administration of various anaes-thetic drugs, in...
of vagal C-fibers alters timing and distribution of respiratory motor output in cats. J. Appl. Physi...
A method was developed to standardize the induction of seizure activity during enflurane anaesthesia...
WEIL. Effects of haloperidol and dornperidone on ventilatory roll off during sustained hypoxia in ca...
Dogs have been anaesthetized with halothane, ether and cyclopropane, and the depth was kept constant...
High frequency ventilation(HFV) induces respiratory depression due to vagal afferent inputs. To clar...
Cyclopropane was found to produce no significant changes in pulmonary vascular resistance or the pul...
To determine cardiopulmonary effects of incremental doses of dopamine and phenylephrine during isofl...
The receptor sites and nerve pathways involved in the reflex production of laryngospasm have been in...