DSP blocks in modern FPGAs can be used for a wide range of arithmetic functions, offering increased performance, while saving logic resources for other uses. They have evolved to better support a plethora of signal processing tasks, meaning that in other application domains, they may be under-utilised. The DSP48E1 primitives in new Xilinx devices support dynamic programmability, that can help extend their usefulness; the specific function of a DSP block can be modified on a cycle by cycle basis. However, the standard synthesis flow does not leverage this flexibility in the vast majority of cases. The lean DSP Extension Architecture (iDEA) presented in this paper builds around the dynamic programmability of a single DSP48E1 primitive, with m...
Although FPGAs continue to grow in capacity, FPGA-based soft processors have grown very little becau...
This article presents the application of a graphical methodology used to develop a Digital Signal Pr...
Introduction: In our everyday life we encounter DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technologies in ever...
This paper presents a very lean DSP Extension Architecture (iDEA) soft processor for Field Programma...
As Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have ad-vanced, the capabilities and variety of embedded r...
The benefits of adding explicit DSP operation support to an FPGA-based softcore processor are examin...
We propose a new DSP block for use in modern high-performance FPGAs. Current DSP blocks contain fixe...
Applications that require digital signal processing (DSP) functions are typically mapped onto genera...
The embedded DSP blocks in modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are highly capable and supp...
The purpose of this paper is to design a single cycle central processing unit with signal processing...
As DSP designs on FPGA become increasingly complex, an embedded programmable controller with not onl...
In this paper, we show how field programmable gate arrays can be used to generate prototypes of appl...
The ongoing advances in semiconductor technology are the enabler for complete System on Chip (SoC) s...
The use of customised soft-core processors in which instructions can be integrated into a system in ...
This paper presents a single precision floating point unit de-sign for multiplication and addition/s...
Although FPGAs continue to grow in capacity, FPGA-based soft processors have grown very little becau...
This article presents the application of a graphical methodology used to develop a Digital Signal Pr...
Introduction: In our everyday life we encounter DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technologies in ever...
This paper presents a very lean DSP Extension Architecture (iDEA) soft processor for Field Programma...
As Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have ad-vanced, the capabilities and variety of embedded r...
The benefits of adding explicit DSP operation support to an FPGA-based softcore processor are examin...
We propose a new DSP block for use in modern high-performance FPGAs. Current DSP blocks contain fixe...
Applications that require digital signal processing (DSP) functions are typically mapped onto genera...
The embedded DSP blocks in modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are highly capable and supp...
The purpose of this paper is to design a single cycle central processing unit with signal processing...
As DSP designs on FPGA become increasingly complex, an embedded programmable controller with not onl...
In this paper, we show how field programmable gate arrays can be used to generate prototypes of appl...
The ongoing advances in semiconductor technology are the enabler for complete System on Chip (SoC) s...
The use of customised soft-core processors in which instructions can be integrated into a system in ...
This paper presents a single precision floating point unit de-sign for multiplication and addition/s...
Although FPGAs continue to grow in capacity, FPGA-based soft processors have grown very little becau...
This article presents the application of a graphical methodology used to develop a Digital Signal Pr...
Introduction: In our everyday life we encounter DSP (Digital Signal Processing) technologies in ever...