This paper describes the participation of the REINA research group at CLEF 2009 Robust-WSD Task. We have participated in both monolingual and bilingual subtasks. In past editions of the robust task our research group obtained very good results for non-WSD experiments applying local query expansion using co-occurrence based the-sauri constructed using windows of terms. We applied it again. For WSD experiments, our intention was to use the WSD information and WordNet for expansion, but we did not have time to use them. We only used the lemma proposed by the POS tagger of the WSD collection as a stemmer. In bilingual retrieval experiments, two on-line ma-chine translation programs were used to translate topics, and translations were merged bef...
For UFRGS’s participation on CLEF’s Robust task, our aim was to compare retrieval of plain documents...
This report describes our approach to the Robust- Word Sense Disambiguation task. We applied the sam...
In this paper we report the experiments for the CLEF 2009 Robust-WSD task, both for the monolingual ...
This paper describes the participation of the REINA research group at CLEF 2009 Robust-WSD Task. We ...
This paper describes our work at CLEF 2007 Robust Task. We have participated in the monolingual (Eng...
The Robust-WSD at CLEF 2009 aims at exploring the contribution of Word Sense Disambiguation to monol...
This paper presents the participation of the semantic N-levels search engine SENSE at the CLEF 2009 ...
This paper presents the participation of the semantic N-levels search engine SENSE at the CLEF 2009 ...
Natural languages contain many ambiguous words. Detecting the correct sense of words within document...
This year we have participated in the first edition of Robust WSD task with the aim of investigating...
In this paper we will briefly describe the approaches taken by the Cheshire (Berkeley) Group for the...
This paper describes our participation in the Robust WSD Task within the CLEF 2008. The aim of this ...
The University of Exeter group participated in the monolingual, bilingual and multilingual-4 retriev...
For our participation in CLEF, the Berkeley group participated in the monolingual, multilingual and ...
International audienceWe study in this paper the impact of WordSense Disambiguation (WSD) on Query E...
For UFRGS’s participation on CLEF’s Robust task, our aim was to compare retrieval of plain documents...
This report describes our approach to the Robust- Word Sense Disambiguation task. We applied the sam...
In this paper we report the experiments for the CLEF 2009 Robust-WSD task, both for the monolingual ...
This paper describes the participation of the REINA research group at CLEF 2009 Robust-WSD Task. We ...
This paper describes our work at CLEF 2007 Robust Task. We have participated in the monolingual (Eng...
The Robust-WSD at CLEF 2009 aims at exploring the contribution of Word Sense Disambiguation to monol...
This paper presents the participation of the semantic N-levels search engine SENSE at the CLEF 2009 ...
This paper presents the participation of the semantic N-levels search engine SENSE at the CLEF 2009 ...
Natural languages contain many ambiguous words. Detecting the correct sense of words within document...
This year we have participated in the first edition of Robust WSD task with the aim of investigating...
In this paper we will briefly describe the approaches taken by the Cheshire (Berkeley) Group for the...
This paper describes our participation in the Robust WSD Task within the CLEF 2008. The aim of this ...
The University of Exeter group participated in the monolingual, bilingual and multilingual-4 retriev...
For our participation in CLEF, the Berkeley group participated in the monolingual, multilingual and ...
International audienceWe study in this paper the impact of WordSense Disambiguation (WSD) on Query E...
For UFRGS’s participation on CLEF’s Robust task, our aim was to compare retrieval of plain documents...
This report describes our approach to the Robust- Word Sense Disambiguation task. We applied the sam...
In this paper we report the experiments for the CLEF 2009 Robust-WSD task, both for the monolingual ...