Aims and objectives: To study the socio demographic parameters of women with symptomatic and suspicious looking cervix. To compare and correlate the findings of papsmear, colposcopy and histopathology in detecting premalignant lesions of cervix. Material and Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted from 01/02/07 to 28/02/09 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Pap smear was performed by the conventional method and Colposcopy was done for all 52 sexually active women who came with complaints of discharge per vagina, inter menstrual or post coital bleeding and women with an abnormal pap smear. Final correlation of pap smear and colposcopy were based on histopathology. Results: 80.8 % of women were in the age...
Background: In present study colposcopic evaluation of unhealthy cervix was donr and it’s correlatio...
Introduction: Cervical cancer is an increasing health problem and an important cause of mortality in...
Background: Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer among females. Study aims to cri...
Background: Unhealthy cervix is a group of cervical lesions, mostly chronic. Cervical cancer is the ...
Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate the use of the Pap smear screening method for d...
Objective: To correlate Pap’s smear and colposcopic finding of cervix with histopathological report...
Background: The objective was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of pap smear and colposcopy ...
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer. Pap smear testing can detect cervix precursor lesions ear...
OBJECTIVE: To determine if use of a detailed risk factor profile accurately predicts the presence of...
Background: Cervical malignancy is ranked second among the malignancies in females with breast carci...
Source of support: Departmental sources Background: This study aimed to examine the positive and neg...
AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To compare the effectiveness of visual inspection with acetic acid/lugols iodin...
Objective: Worldwide, cervical cancer is the 2 nd most common cancer in women. 80 % of all the cases...
Background: The study was conducted to screen women who have abnormal vaginal discharge with Pap sme...
Introduction–Colposcopy is the diagnostic method for cervical cancer. It involves visualization and ...
Background: In present study colposcopic evaluation of unhealthy cervix was donr and it’s correlatio...
Introduction: Cervical cancer is an increasing health problem and an important cause of mortality in...
Background: Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer among females. Study aims to cri...
Background: Unhealthy cervix is a group of cervical lesions, mostly chronic. Cervical cancer is the ...
Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate the use of the Pap smear screening method for d...
Objective: To correlate Pap’s smear and colposcopic finding of cervix with histopathological report...
Background: The objective was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of pap smear and colposcopy ...
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer. Pap smear testing can detect cervix precursor lesions ear...
OBJECTIVE: To determine if use of a detailed risk factor profile accurately predicts the presence of...
Background: Cervical malignancy is ranked second among the malignancies in females with breast carci...
Source of support: Departmental sources Background: This study aimed to examine the positive and neg...
AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To compare the effectiveness of visual inspection with acetic acid/lugols iodin...
Objective: Worldwide, cervical cancer is the 2 nd most common cancer in women. 80 % of all the cases...
Background: The study was conducted to screen women who have abnormal vaginal discharge with Pap sme...
Introduction–Colposcopy is the diagnostic method for cervical cancer. It involves visualization and ...
Background: In present study colposcopic evaluation of unhealthy cervix was donr and it’s correlatio...
Introduction: Cervical cancer is an increasing health problem and an important cause of mortality in...
Background: Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer among females. Study aims to cri...