ABSTRACT: We study a given exponential potential bxae on the Real half-line which is possible related to the imaginary part of the Riemann zeros. We extend alsostudy also our WKB method to recover the potential from the Eigenvalue Staircase for the Riemann zeros, this eigenvalue staircase includes the oscillatory and smooth part of the Number of Riemann zeros. In this paper and for simplicity we use units so 2 1m = = h • Keywords: = Riemann Hypothesis, WKB semiclassical approximation, exponential potential. 1. Exponential potential and Riemann zeros: For 1T>> , the number of Riemann zeros with imaginary part on the interval [0,]T is given by [3] 7 1 1 1 ( ) ln arg 2 2 8 2 T TN T O iT e