(Communicated by Neal Koblitz) Abstract. We present an algorithm for reducing a divisor on a hyperelliptic curve of arbitrary genus over any finite field. Our method is an adaptation of a procedure for reducing ideals in quadratic number fields due to Jacobson, Sawilla and Williams, and shares common elements with both the Cantor and the NUCOMP algorithms for divisor arithmetic. Our technique is especially suitable for the rapid reduction of a divisor with very large Mumford coeffi-cients, obtained for example through an efficient tupling technique. Results of numerical experiments are presented, showing that our algorithm is superior to the standard reduction algorithm in many cases. 1. Introduction an
Ce travail se divise en deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous généralisons le travail de Khur...
For the Tate pairing implementation over hyperelliptic curves, there is a development by DuursmaLee ...
We present an efficient endomorphism for the Jacobian of a curve C of genus 2 for divisors having a ...
Efficient halving of divisor classes offers the possibility to improve scalar multiplication on hype...
Efficient halving of divisor classes offers the possibility to improve scalar multiplication on hyp...
International audienceA significant amount of effort has been devoted to improving divisor arithmeti...
Abstract. We deal with a divisor class halving algorithm on hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems (HECC)...
We study divisor class halving for hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 over binary fields. We present ex...
In this paper we present an efficient, polynomial-time method to perform calculations in the divisor...
We consider in this paper scalar multiplication algorithms over a hyperelliptic curve which are immu...
In this article, we deal with fast arithmetic in the Picard group of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3...
International audienceLet $p$ be an odd prime number. We propose an algorithm for computing rational...
In most algorithms involving elliptic and hyperelliptic curves, the costliest part consists in compu...
In recent papers [4], [9] they worked on hyperelliptic curves H b defined by y +y = x +x +b o...
Ce travail se divise en deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous généralisons le travail de Khur...
For the Tate pairing implementation over hyperelliptic curves, there is a development by DuursmaLee ...
We present an efficient endomorphism for the Jacobian of a curve C of genus 2 for divisors having a ...
Efficient halving of divisor classes offers the possibility to improve scalar multiplication on hype...
Efficient halving of divisor classes offers the possibility to improve scalar multiplication on hyp...
International audienceA significant amount of effort has been devoted to improving divisor arithmeti...
Abstract. We deal with a divisor class halving algorithm on hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems (HECC)...
We study divisor class halving for hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 over binary fields. We present ex...
In this paper we present an efficient, polynomial-time method to perform calculations in the divisor...
We consider in this paper scalar multiplication algorithms over a hyperelliptic curve which are immu...
In this article, we deal with fast arithmetic in the Picard group of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3...
International audienceLet $p$ be an odd prime number. We propose an algorithm for computing rational...
In most algorithms involving elliptic and hyperelliptic curves, the costliest part consists in compu...
In recent papers [4], [9] they worked on hyperelliptic curves H b defined by y +y = x +x +b o...
Ce travail se divise en deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous généralisons le travail de Khur...
For the Tate pairing implementation over hyperelliptic curves, there is a development by DuursmaLee ...
We present an efficient endomorphism for the Jacobian of a curve C of genus 2 for divisors having a ...