This section describes the design bases, system design, performance evaluation, testing, and inspection requirements for the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). The related subject of containment cooling is addressed in Section 6.2.2. All LOCA PCT evaluations performed are reported to the NRC per 10 CFR 50.46. The UFSAR is marked up for updates within 90 days of the submittal. The 10 CFR 50.46 letter is on file at the site. Between UFSAR updates the latest PCT is tracked by Nuclear Fuel Management or the cognizant equivalent. 6.3.1 Introduction and System Design Bases The ECCS is designed to provide adequate core cooling across the entire spectrum of line break accidents. It consists of the core spray (CS) subsystem, the low pressure inje...
The effectiveness of Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) for light water nuclear power reactors wa...
Emergency core cooling system (ECCS) has been studied extensively for reactor safety. Emergency core...
Assembly power limits are prescribed for each reactor charge so that the Emergency Cooling System (E...
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.46, "Acceptance criteria for emergency core cooling systems for li...
This present work describes the development program carried out in the design and construction of th...
The RSB reviews the information presented in the applicant's safety analysis report (SAR) regar...
Nuclear power plants (NPPs) must ensure that the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) or safety-rela...
Loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA) are postulated accidents that would result from the loss of reactor...
water Reactors, " GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) is submitting this report to document any eme...
The PSB reviews reactor auxiliary cooling water systems (CWS) that are required for safe shutdown du...
The delay in L-Area startup provided an opportunity to obtain valuable data on the Emergency Cooling...
Spray Systems ” to nuclear power plant licensees in the United States requires demonstration of suit...
The purpose of this letter is to report the impact of changes or errors in the emergency core coolin...
The purpose of this letter is to provide the annual report of changes or errors discovered in the Em...
The purpose of this letter is to report the impact of changes or errors in the emergency core coolin...
The effectiveness of Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) for light water nuclear power reactors wa...
Emergency core cooling system (ECCS) has been studied extensively for reactor safety. Emergency core...
Assembly power limits are prescribed for each reactor charge so that the Emergency Cooling System (E...
In accordance with 10 CFR 50.46, "Acceptance criteria for emergency core cooling systems for li...
This present work describes the development program carried out in the design and construction of th...
The RSB reviews the information presented in the applicant's safety analysis report (SAR) regar...
Nuclear power plants (NPPs) must ensure that the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) or safety-rela...
Loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA) are postulated accidents that would result from the loss of reactor...
water Reactors, " GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) is submitting this report to document any eme...
The PSB reviews reactor auxiliary cooling water systems (CWS) that are required for safe shutdown du...
The delay in L-Area startup provided an opportunity to obtain valuable data on the Emergency Cooling...
Spray Systems ” to nuclear power plant licensees in the United States requires demonstration of suit...
The purpose of this letter is to report the impact of changes or errors in the emergency core coolin...
The purpose of this letter is to provide the annual report of changes or errors discovered in the Em...
The purpose of this letter is to report the impact of changes or errors in the emergency core coolin...
The effectiveness of Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) for light water nuclear power reactors wa...
Emergency core cooling system (ECCS) has been studied extensively for reactor safety. Emergency core...
Assembly power limits are prescribed for each reactor charge so that the Emergency Cooling System (E...