Complex surfaces and solids are produced by large-scale modeling and simulation activities in a variety of disci-plines. Productive interaction with these simulations re-quires that these surfaces or solids be viewable at interac-tive rates – yet many of these surfaces/solids can contain hundreds of millions of polygons/polyhedra. Interactive display of these objects requires compression techniques to minimize storage, and fast view-dependent triangula-tion techniques to drive the graphics hardware. In this paper, we review recent advances in subdivision-surface wavelet compression and optimization that can be used to provide a framework for both compression and triangula-tion. These techniques can be used to produce suitable approximations...
We present a new method for adaptive surface meshing and triangulation which controls the local leve...
The recent advances in computer graphics and digitization allow access to an ever finer three-dimens...
This paper presents a framework for multiresolution compression and geometric reconstruction of arbi...
Complex surfaces and solids are produced by large-scale modeling and simulation activities in a vari...
Currently, large physics simulations produce 3D discretized field data whose individual isosurface...
Multiresolution analysis and wavelets provide useful and efficient tools for representing functions ...
In this thesis we present a wavelet-based geometry compression pipeline in the context of hierarchic...
We present a generic framework for compression of densely sampled three-dimensional (3D) surfaces i...
We present a wavelet-based geometry compression pipeline in the context of hierarchical surface and ...
The graphics community initially developed multi-resolution representations of surfaces in order to ...
. In this paper we introduce a new compressed representation for multiresolution models (MRM) of tri...
The development of methods for storing, manipulating, and rendering large volumes of data efficientl...
In order to efficiently archive and transmit large 3D models, lossy and lossless compression methods...
This paper presents a framework for multiresolution compression and geometric reconstruction of arbi...
Multiresolution analysis has been proposed as a basic tool supporting compression, progressive trans...
We present a new method for adaptive surface meshing and triangulation which controls the local leve...
The recent advances in computer graphics and digitization allow access to an ever finer three-dimens...
This paper presents a framework for multiresolution compression and geometric reconstruction of arbi...
Complex surfaces and solids are produced by large-scale modeling and simulation activities in a vari...
Currently, large physics simulations produce 3D discretized field data whose individual isosurface...
Multiresolution analysis and wavelets provide useful and efficient tools for representing functions ...
In this thesis we present a wavelet-based geometry compression pipeline in the context of hierarchic...
We present a generic framework for compression of densely sampled three-dimensional (3D) surfaces i...
We present a wavelet-based geometry compression pipeline in the context of hierarchical surface and ...
The graphics community initially developed multi-resolution representations of surfaces in order to ...
. In this paper we introduce a new compressed representation for multiresolution models (MRM) of tri...
The development of methods for storing, manipulating, and rendering large volumes of data efficientl...
In order to efficiently archive and transmit large 3D models, lossy and lossless compression methods...
This paper presents a framework for multiresolution compression and geometric reconstruction of arbi...
Multiresolution analysis has been proposed as a basic tool supporting compression, progressive trans...
We present a new method for adaptive surface meshing and triangulation which controls the local leve...
The recent advances in computer graphics and digitization allow access to an ever finer three-dimens...
This paper presents a framework for multiresolution compression and geometric reconstruction of arbi...