Keuangan Negara (Ekonomi Publik): Teori dan Praktek

  • Sukanto Reksohadiprodjo
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Publication date
December 2015
Universitas Gadjah Mada


The writing attempts to claril• the emergence of the branches of the science state lands/fi¬nances (public• economy), which first originated in the 17 and 18 couturier in France and Britain. 7he dissatisfaction which followed the development of this theeny led to the emergence of the •os¬sh thcaist• which was contained in the teachings of Adam Smiths 's Wealth of nations published in ;776. From these two teach:nips was burn /hough, of low the 'vie government hi the econinui. should emu ny he. There ivas indeed an increasing awareness about the importance of the theory of government finance because of increasing intensity of government intervemion in the market mechanism which it is believed, con interfere with the development of ...

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