MY mother passed away exactly a year ago last week after being hospitalised for several months at Kuala Lumpur Hospital. She had been hospitalised elsewhere but had not experienced anything comparable to the care she received under Datuk Dr Zaki Morad and his dedicated staff. It was because of this that the departure of my mother was made a little easier, knowing full well that we had tried everything we could to provide the best for her and that it was time for her to return to God. As believers, we are convinced that there can never be a better place to return to, except to our beloved Creator
PEOPLE walking along the cobbled streets of Paris towards the Unesco building last week where the Wo...
We don’t love our rivers. And we fell our trees, clear our jungles and level hills. Malaysians had b...
forum held at about the same time is fast falling into oblivion. Many seem to be more preoccupied w...
So, we have got a "new world order" now, thanks to the 20 "wise" men and women who deemed that it wa...
IT has been a month since the King of Pop died and the cause of his death is still under a shroud of...
THERE is every reason to be thankful for the progress and development Malaysia has gone through in t...
WE call the illegal motorcycle racers Mat Rempit. Such labelling of people is not new with Malaysian...
FORMER US Education Secretary William J. Bennett showed his true colours recently when he said on a ...
THE MIC President was last week reported as saying "this was a clear case of the poor being denied t...
Malaysia examination is no less "revolutionary". This is even more so, given that there seems to be...
THE Health Minister seemed irritated last week by tobacco companies negating the Government’s effort...
Maria Werdine Norris @MariaWNorris is a final year PhD candidate at the London School of Economics a...
The UK's Shadow Secretary of State for Education Andy Burnham recently made a suggestion that could ...
EIDULMUBARAK, or better known locally as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the festival to end the holy month o...
SPOOFED! You're cooked and fried" read a recent headline (NST, Oct 5). Apparently, to spoof someone...
PEOPLE walking along the cobbled streets of Paris towards the Unesco building last week where the Wo...
We don’t love our rivers. And we fell our trees, clear our jungles and level hills. Malaysians had b...
forum held at about the same time is fast falling into oblivion. Many seem to be more preoccupied w...
So, we have got a "new world order" now, thanks to the 20 "wise" men and women who deemed that it wa...
IT has been a month since the King of Pop died and the cause of his death is still under a shroud of...
THERE is every reason to be thankful for the progress and development Malaysia has gone through in t...
WE call the illegal motorcycle racers Mat Rempit. Such labelling of people is not new with Malaysian...
FORMER US Education Secretary William J. Bennett showed his true colours recently when he said on a ...
THE MIC President was last week reported as saying "this was a clear case of the poor being denied t...
Malaysia examination is no less "revolutionary". This is even more so, given that there seems to be...
THE Health Minister seemed irritated last week by tobacco companies negating the Government’s effort...
Maria Werdine Norris @MariaWNorris is a final year PhD candidate at the London School of Economics a...
The UK's Shadow Secretary of State for Education Andy Burnham recently made a suggestion that could ...
EIDULMUBARAK, or better known locally as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, the festival to end the holy month o...
SPOOFED! You're cooked and fried" read a recent headline (NST, Oct 5). Apparently, to spoof someone...
PEOPLE walking along the cobbled streets of Paris towards the Unesco building last week where the Wo...
We don’t love our rivers. And we fell our trees, clear our jungles and level hills. Malaysians had b...
forum held at about the same time is fast falling into oblivion. Many seem to be more preoccupied w...