Non-muslim consumers’ halal food product acceptance model

  • Wibowo, Mas Wahyu
  • Sheikh Ahmad, Fauziah
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Publication date
January 2015
Elsevier BV


This study aims to propose conceptually the model of Halal product acceptance by the non-Muslim consumers. The model is proposed by reviewing consumer behaviour theories, such as theory of planned behaviour (TPB), the Triandis model (TRIANM), and Halal product acceptance model for the religious society (HPAM). Antecedents for the non-Muslim acceptance of Halal food products are determined along with the moderator construct. Inner perspective, Halal logo credibility and habit are treated as the antecedents. Whereas the introduction of acculturation in the model as moderator variable will provide an understanding on how the non-Muslim consumers accept the Halal food products. The study on non-Muslim consumers in the Halal industry is scarce a...

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