The Polish Committee of National Liberation’s decree on the agricultural reform of the 1944 on the example of the northern Masovia – the district of Pultusk

  • Skarżyński, Łukasz
Publication date
January 2016
University of Bialystok
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica


The Agricultural Reform from of 1944 drastically changed the agricultural attitude in Poland. It had been previously announced in the Manifesto from 22nd of July by the Polish Committee of National Liberation. There were three main reasons in favour of the reform. First of all, the consolidation of power by the country folk through the closedown of the squirearchy. Secondly, the territorial estate of huge tracts of land. Finally, its endorsement by both peasants and farm labourers. In order to achieve the required goals some regulations were introduced to speed up the process of implementation. The District of Pultusk is the chosen example of the changes made, which were to rapidly spread over the agricultural landscape of post-war Poland. ...

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