AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to present new families of Jacobi type matrix valued orthogonal polynomials
AbstractSome families of orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second-order differential equation...
AbstractWe find structural formulas for a family (Pn)n of matrix polynomials of arbitrary size ortho...
Matrix-valued analogues of the little q-Jacobi polynomials are introduced and studied. For the 2×2-m...
AbstractFor every value of the parameters α,β>−1 we find a matrix valued weight whose orthogonal pol...
AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to present new families of Jacobi type matrix valued ortho...
The theory of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials goes back to the fundamental works of M. G. Krein...
AbstractIn this paper, Jacobi matrix polynomials are introduced, starting from the hypergeometric ma...
AbstractThe subject of orthogonal polynomials cuts across a large piece of mathematics and its appli...
AbstractThe block Jacobi matrices considered in this paper are a family of block tridiagonal matrice...
AbstractOrthogonal matrix polynomials, on the real line or on the unit circle, have properties which...
AbstractIn 1975, Tom Koornwinder studied examples of two variable analogues of the Jacobi polynomial...
We obtain a matrix characterization of semiclassical orthogonal polynomials in terms of the Jacobi m...
AbstractOrthogonal polynomials on the real line always satisfy a three-term recurrence relation. The...
AbstractWe present two infinite sequences of polynomial eigenfunctions of a Sturm–Liouville problem....
Texto completo descargado desde TeseoIn this thesis we present a series of result that are framed in...
AbstractSome families of orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second-order differential equation...
AbstractWe find structural formulas for a family (Pn)n of matrix polynomials of arbitrary size ortho...
Matrix-valued analogues of the little q-Jacobi polynomials are introduced and studied. For the 2×2-m...
AbstractFor every value of the parameters α,β>−1 we find a matrix valued weight whose orthogonal pol...
AbstractThe main purpose of this paper is to present new families of Jacobi type matrix valued ortho...
The theory of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials goes back to the fundamental works of M. G. Krein...
AbstractIn this paper, Jacobi matrix polynomials are introduced, starting from the hypergeometric ma...
AbstractThe subject of orthogonal polynomials cuts across a large piece of mathematics and its appli...
AbstractThe block Jacobi matrices considered in this paper are a family of block tridiagonal matrice...
AbstractOrthogonal matrix polynomials, on the real line or on the unit circle, have properties which...
AbstractIn 1975, Tom Koornwinder studied examples of two variable analogues of the Jacobi polynomial...
We obtain a matrix characterization of semiclassical orthogonal polynomials in terms of the Jacobi m...
AbstractOrthogonal polynomials on the real line always satisfy a three-term recurrence relation. The...
AbstractWe present two infinite sequences of polynomial eigenfunctions of a Sturm–Liouville problem....
Texto completo descargado desde TeseoIn this thesis we present a series of result that are framed in...
AbstractSome families of orthogonal matrix polynomials satisfying second-order differential equation...
AbstractWe find structural formulas for a family (Pn)n of matrix polynomials of arbitrary size ortho...
Matrix-valued analogues of the little q-Jacobi polynomials are introduced and studied. For the 2×2-m...