Management of Severe Class II Malocclusion With Sequential Fixed Functional and Orthodontic Appliances: A Case for MOrthRCSEd Examination

  • Li, Larry CF
  • Rabie, A Bakr M
  • Wong, Ricky WK
Publication date
June 2010
Elsevier. Published by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd.


AbstractFixed functional appliance is an effective way of treating skeletal Class II malocclusion in children and adolescents. The following case report documented a 13-year-old boy with 15 mm overjet treated by a phase I 12-month growth modification therapy using Herbst appliance with Hyrax palatal expander and high pull headgear in a stepwise mandibular advancement protocol followed by a phase II pre-adjusted edgewise appliance therapy. It is one of the cases submitted for the Membership of Orthodontics Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

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