How would you like to be a homemaker where it is so cold that you can frost a lung- where fresh foods are so expensive that if you lose your can opener you a re quite likely to go hungry- where you can\u27t even feed the family on bread and milk very often, because milk, too, is outrageously expensive? These are some of the problems of a homemaker in Alaska
Anna Keppy, \u2741, declares that the job of county home economists is bigger than ever in wartim
Ruth Kunerth, \u2739, finds that a variety of talents are necessary in commercial home economics dut...
Southern cooking and northern appetites! To the uninitiated this may seem rather a trivial and dull ...
Tourists always declare that Alaska has the loveliest scenery in the world. Her cities are all set i...
Food spoils, when not kept cool enough, due to the growth of molds, yeasts and bacteria. According t...
Homemakers who have not had the opportunity of a home economics education as well as those who have,...
Two Iowa State graduates have used their home economics training in the North and Far Eas
Frozen foods will be popular in the homemaker\u27s new kitchen, says Shirley Rolf
Iowa- what a magic word in these days of hot weather, cold weather, rains, showers and sunshine. A v...
Yes, the large restaurants and hotels serve almost the same food all over the country. But what do t...
What would Christmas be to the kiddies without bright colored candies to delight them? Candy for the...
A very interesting comparison of possible types of refrigeration for the Iowa farm home has been mad...
Homemaking at 60 Below By Martha Park Horticulture Hunches By Nellie Goethe Tailor Yourself With Tap...
If perchance you are one of the rare individuals who passes thru winter without colds or grip, or on...
Spring brings a wealth of fruits and vegetables to our tables from distant states, to fill in until ...
Anna Keppy, \u2741, declares that the job of county home economists is bigger than ever in wartim
Ruth Kunerth, \u2739, finds that a variety of talents are necessary in commercial home economics dut...
Southern cooking and northern appetites! To the uninitiated this may seem rather a trivial and dull ...
Tourists always declare that Alaska has the loveliest scenery in the world. Her cities are all set i...
Food spoils, when not kept cool enough, due to the growth of molds, yeasts and bacteria. According t...
Homemakers who have not had the opportunity of a home economics education as well as those who have,...
Two Iowa State graduates have used their home economics training in the North and Far Eas
Frozen foods will be popular in the homemaker\u27s new kitchen, says Shirley Rolf
Iowa- what a magic word in these days of hot weather, cold weather, rains, showers and sunshine. A v...
Yes, the large restaurants and hotels serve almost the same food all over the country. But what do t...
What would Christmas be to the kiddies without bright colored candies to delight them? Candy for the...
A very interesting comparison of possible types of refrigeration for the Iowa farm home has been mad...
Homemaking at 60 Below By Martha Park Horticulture Hunches By Nellie Goethe Tailor Yourself With Tap...
If perchance you are one of the rare individuals who passes thru winter without colds or grip, or on...
Spring brings a wealth of fruits and vegetables to our tables from distant states, to fill in until ...
Anna Keppy, \u2741, declares that the job of county home economists is bigger than ever in wartim
Ruth Kunerth, \u2739, finds that a variety of talents are necessary in commercial home economics dut...
Southern cooking and northern appetites! To the uninitiated this may seem rather a trivial and dull ...