Shielding design on large human-rated systems allows minimization of radiation impact on electronic systems. Shielding design tools require adequate methods for evaluation of design layouts, guiding qualification testing, and adequate follow-up on final design evaluation. Wilson IEEE NSREC 2007
International audienceToday, new applications of power electronics systems appear in many domains li...
Radiation environment effects are a severe threat to current spacecraft design, which includes a ste...
This paper presents a method to evaluate radiation-tolerance without physical tests for a commercial...
Abstract. Providing protection against the hazards of space radiation is a major challenge to the ex...
Currently, electromagnetic interference constitutes one of the major complications for a function of...
Space power reactor systems require shielding to protect payload and reactor shielding components, a...
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is one of the unpreventable issue in circuit designed. Therefore...
Currently, electromagnetic interference poses a threat to all electrical and electronic devices, esp...
The growth in the application of electronic devices across a broad spectrum of military, industrial...
Tests are carried out on shielded enclosures to determine their shielding effectiveness capability b...
This article presents design and simulation via the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software to...
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is of increasing importance as the number of wireless devices in...
Structural radiation shielding calculations for diagnostic X-ray facilities is most commonly perform...
Currently, electromagnetic interference constitutes one of the major complications for a function of...
Radiation to Electronics (R2E) represents a crucial issue to be taken into account as design criteri...
International audienceToday, new applications of power electronics systems appear in many domains li...
Radiation environment effects are a severe threat to current spacecraft design, which includes a ste...
This paper presents a method to evaluate radiation-tolerance without physical tests for a commercial...
Abstract. Providing protection against the hazards of space radiation is a major challenge to the ex...
Currently, electromagnetic interference constitutes one of the major complications for a function of...
Space power reactor systems require shielding to protect payload and reactor shielding components, a...
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is one of the unpreventable issue in circuit designed. Therefore...
Currently, electromagnetic interference poses a threat to all electrical and electronic devices, esp...
The growth in the application of electronic devices across a broad spectrum of military, industrial...
Tests are carried out on shielded enclosures to determine their shielding effectiveness capability b...
This article presents design and simulation via the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software to...
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is of increasing importance as the number of wireless devices in...
Structural radiation shielding calculations for diagnostic X-ray facilities is most commonly perform...
Currently, electromagnetic interference constitutes one of the major complications for a function of...
Radiation to Electronics (R2E) represents a crucial issue to be taken into account as design criteri...
International audienceToday, new applications of power electronics systems appear in many domains li...
Radiation environment effects are a severe threat to current spacecraft design, which includes a ste...
This paper presents a method to evaluate radiation-tolerance without physical tests for a commercial...