IGR J18179–1621 is an obscured accreting X-ray pulsar discovered by INTEGRAL on 2012 February 29. We report on our 20 ks Chandra-High Energy Transmission Gratings Spectrometer observation of the source performed on 2012 March 17, on two short contemporaneous Swift observations, and on our two near-infrared (K[subscript s] , H[subscript n] , and J[subscript n] ) observations performed on 2012 March 13 and 26. We determine the most accurate X-ray position of IGR J18179–1621, α[subscript J2000] = 18[superscript h]17[subscript m]52[s over .]18, δ[subscript J2000] = –16°21'31['' over .]68 (90% uncertainty of 0['' over .]6). A strong periodic variability at 11.82 s is clearly detected in the Chandra data, confirming the pulsating nature of the so...