This is the introduction to a symposium issue for a conference designed to bring the engineering community, policymakers, legal academics, and industry participants together in an attempt to provide policymakers with a better understanding of the Internet’s technical aspects and to explore emerging issues of particular importance to current broadband policy
To most social scientists, the technical details of how the Internet actually works remain arcane an...
Economics of Broadband: Market Successes and Market FailuresIn the 2014 Open Internet NPRM, the Comm...
Abstract. Design principles play a central role in the architecture of the Internet as driving most ...
This is the introduction to a symposium issue for a conference designed to bring the engineering com...
Symposium: Rough Consensus and Running Code: Integrating Engineering Principles into Internet Policy...
Symposium: Rough Consensus and Running Code: Integrating Engineering Principles into Internet Policy...
This report provides an outline of major upcoming battles in the debate about how the internet is go...
Is the Internet Governance Forum an ineffectual talking shop unable to influence significantly the h...
Even as the Internet goes pop, federal policymakers continue to surrender their statutory obligation...
To most social scientists, the technical details of how the Internet actually works remain arcane an...
This paper identifies and documents the main areas of discussions and 'recommendations' that were ge...
Discussion of Internet traffic exchange is important because some parts of the communication industr...
The relationship between engineering practice and technology policy is a perennial question. In this...
"Sponsored by the Society in conjunction with its 21st annual meeting."Cover title.Mode of access: I...
The term ‘end-to-end ’ has become a familiar characterization of the architecture of the Internet, n...
To most social scientists, the technical details of how the Internet actually works remain arcane an...
Economics of Broadband: Market Successes and Market FailuresIn the 2014 Open Internet NPRM, the Comm...
Abstract. Design principles play a central role in the architecture of the Internet as driving most ...
This is the introduction to a symposium issue for a conference designed to bring the engineering com...
Symposium: Rough Consensus and Running Code: Integrating Engineering Principles into Internet Policy...
Symposium: Rough Consensus and Running Code: Integrating Engineering Principles into Internet Policy...
This report provides an outline of major upcoming battles in the debate about how the internet is go...
Is the Internet Governance Forum an ineffectual talking shop unable to influence significantly the h...
Even as the Internet goes pop, federal policymakers continue to surrender their statutory obligation...
To most social scientists, the technical details of how the Internet actually works remain arcane an...
This paper identifies and documents the main areas of discussions and 'recommendations' that were ge...
Discussion of Internet traffic exchange is important because some parts of the communication industr...
The relationship between engineering practice and technology policy is a perennial question. In this...
"Sponsored by the Society in conjunction with its 21st annual meeting."Cover title.Mode of access: I...
The term ‘end-to-end ’ has become a familiar characterization of the architecture of the Internet, n...
To most social scientists, the technical details of how the Internet actually works remain arcane an...
Economics of Broadband: Market Successes and Market FailuresIn the 2014 Open Internet NPRM, the Comm...
Abstract. Design principles play a central role in the architecture of the Internet as driving most ...