Fatigue assessment of high frequency mechanical impact (HFMI)-improved fillet welds by local approaches

  • Yildirim, Halid
  • Marquis, G.B.
  • Barsoum, Z.
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Publication date
January 2013
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Local fatigue assessment methods like the structural hot spot stress and effective notch stress methods as defined by the International Institute of Welding are widely used by design engineers and researchers to assess the fatigue strength of welded components. This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of published data for welded joints which had been improved using high frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) treatment. All of the published data for HFMI-treated welds are presented in terms of nominal stress. The goal of the current paper is to establish local fatigue assessment procedures for improved fillet welds. In total, 160 published experimental results for longitudinal and cruciform welds subjected to R = 0.1 axial loading are eva...

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