Dinâmica costeira entre as praias de Areia Preta e do Forte, Natal/RN

  • Nunes, Lidiane de Souza
Publication date
February 2011
Dinâmica e Reestruturação do Território


The coastal zone has been studied worldwide with a focus on the coastal erosion. In the present days, much of the world's coastlines are being affected by erosion, which causes great damage to the economy. This work had as study case the beaches of Areia Preta, Artistas, Meio and Forte located in Natal in Rio Grande do Norte. It shows as result the monitoring of the beach strip that makes possible to obtain quantitative and qualitative data, allows the study of the coastal dynamics of the beaches and the Recovery Project of the Areia Preta beach interference on adjacent beaches. This research was guided by the integrated analysis method on the systemic perspective. The pratical procedures adopted were: bibliographic research; fieldwork duri...

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