Impact of carbon structure and morphology on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C composites

  • Doeff, Marca M.
  • Wilcox, James D.
  • Yu, Rong
  • Aumentado, Albert
  • Marcinek, Marek
  • Kostecki, Robert
Publication date
September 2007
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


The electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C composites in lithium cells is closely correlated to pressed pellet conductivities measured by AC impedance methods. These composite conductivities are a strong function not only of the amount of carbon but of its structure and distribution. Ideally, the amount of carbon in composites should be minimal (less than about 2 wtpercent) so as not to decrease the energy density unduly. This is particularly important for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle applications (PHEVs) where both high power and moderate energy density are required. Optimization of the carbon structure, particularly the sp2/sp3 and disordered/graphene (D/G) ratios, improves the electronic conductivity while minimizing the carbon amou...

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