Methods and codes for neutronic calculations of the MARIA research reactor.

  • Andrzejewski, K.
  • Kulikowska, T.
  • Bretscher, M. M.
  • Hanan, N. A.
  • Matos, J. E.
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Publication date
February 2002
Argonne National Laboratory


The core of the MARIA high flux multipurpose research reactor is highly heterogeneous. It consists of beryllium blocks arranged in 6 x 8 matrix, tubular fuel assemblies, control rods and irradiation channels. The reflector is also heterogeneous and consists of graphite blocks clad with aluminum. Its structure is perturbed by the experimental beam tubes. This paper presents methods and codes used to calculate the MARIA reactor neutronics characteristics and experience gained thus far at IAE and ANL. At ANL the methods of MARIA calculations were developed in connection with the RERTR program. At IAE the package of programs was developed to help its operator in optimization of fuel utilization

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