The core of the MARIA high flux multipurpose research reactor is highly heterogeneous. It consists of beryllium blocks arranged in 6 x 8 matrix, tubular fuel assemblies, control rods and irradiation channels. The reflector is also heterogeneous and consists of graphite blocks clad with aluminum. Its structure is perturbed by the experimental beam tubes. This paper presents methods and codes used to calculate the MARIA reactor neutronics characteristics and experience gained thus far at IAE and ANL. At ANL the methods of MARIA calculations were developed in connection with the RERTR program. At IAE the package of programs was developed to help its operator in optimization of fuel utilization
One of the main uses to which the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) will be put is neutron activat...
Light-water reactor cores are commonly surrounded by a stainless steel and water reflector. The refl...
This thesis analyzes the behavior of the nuclear fuel of a WWER-1000 reactor during a Rod Ejection A...
The MARIA reactor is a high-flux multipurpose research reactor which is water-cooled and moderated w...
Materials and core components for the next generation power reactors technologies require testing th...
It is a conventional practice in the design of nuclear reactor to introduce calculation ofhot points...
A compilation is presented of results obtained to date from a number of reactor physics calculations...
The MARIA research reactor is designed and operated as a multipurpose nuclear installation, combinin...
The MARIA reactor at the Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE) in Swierk (30 km SE of Warsaw) in the Repu...
The Basic Radiation Effects Reactor (BRER) is a small fast core surrounded by a segmented radial ref...
Calculations of several important neutronic parameters have been performed for ten different three-e...
The new spirit and urgency of converting the remaining research reactors from highly enriched uraniu...
Reactor kinetic parameters, reactivity feedback coefficients, and control rod reactivity worths have...
Several fusion power plant design studies were made at a number of universities and laboratories in ...
A comparison of possible types of research reactors for the production of transplutonium elements an...
One of the main uses to which the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) will be put is neutron activat...
Light-water reactor cores are commonly surrounded by a stainless steel and water reflector. The refl...
This thesis analyzes the behavior of the nuclear fuel of a WWER-1000 reactor during a Rod Ejection A...
The MARIA reactor is a high-flux multipurpose research reactor which is water-cooled and moderated w...
Materials and core components for the next generation power reactors technologies require testing th...
It is a conventional practice in the design of nuclear reactor to introduce calculation ofhot points...
A compilation is presented of results obtained to date from a number of reactor physics calculations...
The MARIA research reactor is designed and operated as a multipurpose nuclear installation, combinin...
The MARIA reactor at the Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE) in Swierk (30 km SE of Warsaw) in the Repu...
The Basic Radiation Effects Reactor (BRER) is a small fast core surrounded by a segmented radial ref...
Calculations of several important neutronic parameters have been performed for ten different three-e...
The new spirit and urgency of converting the remaining research reactors from highly enriched uraniu...
Reactor kinetic parameters, reactivity feedback coefficients, and control rod reactivity worths have...
Several fusion power plant design studies were made at a number of universities and laboratories in ...
A comparison of possible types of research reactors for the production of transplutonium elements an...
One of the main uses to which the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) will be put is neutron activat...
Light-water reactor cores are commonly surrounded by a stainless steel and water reflector. The refl...
This thesis analyzes the behavior of the nuclear fuel of a WWER-1000 reactor during a Rod Ejection A...