為配合大粒高產之育種目標,本試驗將HL-1×P58及KS8×T83-1兩雜交組合F3世代收穫之大豆種子,各別依粒型大小分羣,再評估各羣F4世代植株農藝性狀,探討簡便、易行之粒型混合選種法施行效果,結果顯示選拔大粒型種子可顯著提高族羣平均百粒重,對於產量、株高、及植株乾重等影響,則因不同雜交組合而異。不同粒型後裔族羣具有相近百粒重變異範圍,及百粒重與其他性狀間之遺傳相關特性之維持,推測無論直接對粒型或間接對產量等其他性狀之改良,另一循環世代之粒型混合選種仍有採行價值。 Two F3:4 populations, i. e. HL-1×P58 and KS8×T83-1 hybrid combinations, were evaluated for response of mass selection for seed size in soybeans. Large seeds derived lines had significantly higher seed weight (g/100-seed) than that of medium and small seeds derived lines indicated that mass selection for seed size in bulk populations was effective. Large seeds derived lines had significantly high seed yield, total dry weight of plant, and plant height than those of small seeds derived lines only found in KS8×T...
To study the effect of row width on the growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), an experiment ...
以大豆品種十石為材料,於1982及1983年夏作進行試驗,在生殖生長期間密集取樣,調查分析第 6-8 節位莢果壁與種子內乾物質、非構造性碳水化合物(TNC)及全氮(N)含量之變化,以明瞭大豆種子充實與...
<p>Soybean was domesticated about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago in China. Although genotyping technologie...
Citation: Epler, M., and Staggenborg, S. 2008. Soybean yield and yield component response to plant ...
Abstract – In plant breeding programs, the knowledge about the appropriate sample size for the evalu...
Studies addressing the interaction of different spatial arrangement in soybean are needed in order t...
A collection of soybeans cultivars was assessed by quantitative morphological traits. The genetic di...
Previous research has produced mixed results on the use of early-generation bulks to measure populat...
Our objectives were to evaluate the seed yield of soybean, and Duncan\u27s model with respect to rel...
ABSTRACT. The success of breeding programs depends on selection procedures and on the breeding metho...
In plant breeding programs, the knowledge about the appropriate sample size for the evaluation of po...
本試驗係於民國四十七年起至四十八年止,分別在臺北、新竹、草屯三個地方舉行,二年間之試驗成績結果如下: 1. 氮之施用對大豆莖葉收量之效果甚微,對莢果產量而言,僅草屯乙地有7~18%之增產外,其餘各地即...
Au cours de deux séries d'expérimentations factorielles ont été étudiés les effets de la classe de p...
Not AvailableBackground: Identification of suitable factors that influence significantly to the resp...
1. 海拔較低地區(500~1,000公尺)受平地幅射熱之關係,年平均溫度,並不甚低,所穫之種子,其大小勻度極不整齊;海拔較高地區(1,500~2,000公尺)有足夠低溫,種子大小勻度劃一,形質亦佳。...
To study the effect of row width on the growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), an experiment ...
以大豆品種十石為材料,於1982及1983年夏作進行試驗,在生殖生長期間密集取樣,調查分析第 6-8 節位莢果壁與種子內乾物質、非構造性碳水化合物(TNC)及全氮(N)含量之變化,以明瞭大豆種子充實與...
<p>Soybean was domesticated about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago in China. Although genotyping technologie...
Citation: Epler, M., and Staggenborg, S. 2008. Soybean yield and yield component response to plant ...
Abstract – In plant breeding programs, the knowledge about the appropriate sample size for the evalu...
Studies addressing the interaction of different spatial arrangement in soybean are needed in order t...
A collection of soybeans cultivars was assessed by quantitative morphological traits. The genetic di...
Previous research has produced mixed results on the use of early-generation bulks to measure populat...
Our objectives were to evaluate the seed yield of soybean, and Duncan\u27s model with respect to rel...
ABSTRACT. The success of breeding programs depends on selection procedures and on the breeding metho...
In plant breeding programs, the knowledge about the appropriate sample size for the evaluation of po...
本試驗係於民國四十七年起至四十八年止,分別在臺北、新竹、草屯三個地方舉行,二年間之試驗成績結果如下: 1. 氮之施用對大豆莖葉收量之效果甚微,對莢果產量而言,僅草屯乙地有7~18%之增產外,其餘各地即...
Au cours de deux séries d'expérimentations factorielles ont été étudiés les effets de la classe de p...
Not AvailableBackground: Identification of suitable factors that influence significantly to the resp...
1. 海拔較低地區(500~1,000公尺)受平地幅射熱之關係,年平均溫度,並不甚低,所穫之種子,其大小勻度極不整齊;海拔較高地區(1,500~2,000公尺)有足夠低溫,種子大小勻度劃一,形質亦佳。...
To study the effect of row width on the growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), an experiment ...
以大豆品種十石為材料,於1982及1983年夏作進行試驗,在生殖生長期間密集取樣,調查分析第 6-8 節位莢果壁與種子內乾物質、非構造性碳水化合物(TNC)及全氮(N)含量之變化,以明瞭大豆種子充實與...
<p>Soybean was domesticated about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago in China. Although genotyping technologie...