This note begins by briefly addressing why competition policy is important for developing and transitioning economies. It then discusses some of the critical components of building a competition culture. Ideally, this process should begin by conducting a "needs assessment" in a number of areas. This assessment likely will lead to the identification of a list of steps that should be prioritised and undertaken. The priorities often can be grouped into three broad areas, namely, helping key constituencies to "buy in" to a competition culture, minimizing the extent to which a broad range of institutional mechanisms distort competition, and building an effective competition law enforcement regime to address private anticompetitive conduct. The n...
The breakdown in the negotiations for the adoption of multilateral competition rules through the WTO...
There is general agreement that competition among firms enables consumers to enjoy freedom of choice...
This chapter reviews the forces that have shaped current competition laws and initiatives, in partic...
Since the 1970’s, there has been a progression toward market processes in nations once committed to ...
Meeting: Competition Policy and Consumer Interest in the Global Economy, 12-13 Oct. 2001, Geneva, C
A major policy issue for many developing countries is to foster further integration into the world e...
The economic reforms under way in most developing countries are directed towards the establishment o...
Competition law (anti-trust in US parlance) is increasingly attracting the attention of trade policy...
The article discusses first the differences between market economic models, socialist or planned eco...
Competition policy has traditionally been considered separate, if not antithetical, to industrial po...
International competition lawyers often refer (with some pride) to the exponential growth of the num...
Despite all the bottlenecks faced in implementing competition law and policies (CLP) in Latin Americ...
We argue that developing countries can gain from improving competitive processes within their econom...
The objective of this paper is to argue that the dissemination of competition laws is positive for t...
Competition advocacy is especially critical for developing countries as their economic policies are ...
The breakdown in the negotiations for the adoption of multilateral competition rules through the WTO...
There is general agreement that competition among firms enables consumers to enjoy freedom of choice...
This chapter reviews the forces that have shaped current competition laws and initiatives, in partic...
Since the 1970’s, there has been a progression toward market processes in nations once committed to ...
Meeting: Competition Policy and Consumer Interest in the Global Economy, 12-13 Oct. 2001, Geneva, C
A major policy issue for many developing countries is to foster further integration into the world e...
The economic reforms under way in most developing countries are directed towards the establishment o...
Competition law (anti-trust in US parlance) is increasingly attracting the attention of trade policy...
The article discusses first the differences between market economic models, socialist or planned eco...
Competition policy has traditionally been considered separate, if not antithetical, to industrial po...
International competition lawyers often refer (with some pride) to the exponential growth of the num...
Despite all the bottlenecks faced in implementing competition law and policies (CLP) in Latin Americ...
We argue that developing countries can gain from improving competitive processes within their econom...
The objective of this paper is to argue that the dissemination of competition laws is positive for t...
Competition advocacy is especially critical for developing countries as their economic policies are ...
The breakdown in the negotiations for the adoption of multilateral competition rules through the WTO...
There is general agreement that competition among firms enables consumers to enjoy freedom of choice...
This chapter reviews the forces that have shaped current competition laws and initiatives, in partic...