A Geospatial Analysis of CDC-funded HIV Prevention Programs for African Americans in the United States

  • Gilliam, G. A.
  • Hanchette, Carol L.
  • Fogarty, Kieran J.
  • Gibbs, Deborah A.
Publication date
May 2012
Digital Scholarship@UNLV


Given the increase in HIV/AIDS infection rates among racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African Americans, this study was undertaken as part of a larger research effort to examine the distribution of HIV prevention services focusing on African American populations within the United States. Data were gathered via a national survey of community-based organizations (CBOs) funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A geocoded national database was constructed to identify, locate, and map these HIV prevention programs. A total of 1,020 CBOs responded to the survey, yielding a response rate of 70.3%. These CBOs administered a total of 3,028 HIV prevention programs. Data describing intervention types and persons served...

Extracted data

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