Sexturism i Thailand : En undersökning av fördomar och synen på sexturism

  • Åkesson, Andréas
  • Falk, Hans Filip
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Publication date
January 2013
Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för humaniora (HUM)


This thesis presents a research of Swedes view on sex tourism in Thailand. This research is showing how Swedes sees sex tourism in Thailand and what kind of thoughts they have about it. This research also shows the Swedish view on sex tourism in Thailand and how it differs from the view of the Swedish media and their opinion about the subject. Furthermore, this research shows that the view of this subject differs depending on the respondents’ experience of travelling in Thailand. It becomes more important to study this subject with increasingly numbers of Swedes travelling to Thailand and more people find a partner in the country. This has led to a growing minority of Thai people in Sweden, which has to live with the prejudices of the Swede...

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