Whinesburg, Indiana is a collection of monologues from the citizens of the fictional town of, well, Whinesburg. In the coming months, Booth will be running more of these monologues from Michael Martone, the developer of the series, as well as a few entries from some special guests. Stay tuned. Welcome to Whinesburg
The contemporary playwright Timberlake Wertenbaker has shown a long-standing engagement with the the...
Student-produced magazine formerly published as Chicago Arts and Communication, changed to Echo maga...
After the third accident, not his fault,Amtrack desked my Uncle Dave for good. At familygatherings h...
I found the primal sound of the universeon cassette tape at a yard sale for a quarter
When humorist Paul Rhymer ’28 broadcast the voices of Bloomington across America, he made radio hist...
Was it the draw of pavement so expansivethat returns me to that off rampsomewhere between Illinois a...
This collection is, more than anything, a series of self-portraits. It attempts to depict how variou...
One stays awake longer than the Other. One listens to the late night talk show, the novelist babblin...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were my neighbours at rate time. We used to chat across the fence, discuss t...
The diary of a young playwright, complete with mishaps, delays, harpy wives and rewrites galore
From The Mouth Of The Pit, is a featured short story by Richard Douglass. In News Items, a small ...
This morning is so fucktabulous it’s almost like dancing in the nude with your favorite vacuum while...
Here\u27s what I tell myself: I\u27m a mime and this town is the invisible box that I only pretend t...
In the mythical town of Winesburg, Indiana, there lives a cleaning lady who can conjure up the ghost...
Fire and strike sevenfold. Salute and witness the grown-upswhiskey stagger around the farmstead and ...
The contemporary playwright Timberlake Wertenbaker has shown a long-standing engagement with the the...
Student-produced magazine formerly published as Chicago Arts and Communication, changed to Echo maga...
After the third accident, not his fault,Amtrack desked my Uncle Dave for good. At familygatherings h...
I found the primal sound of the universeon cassette tape at a yard sale for a quarter
When humorist Paul Rhymer ’28 broadcast the voices of Bloomington across America, he made radio hist...
Was it the draw of pavement so expansivethat returns me to that off rampsomewhere between Illinois a...
This collection is, more than anything, a series of self-portraits. It attempts to depict how variou...
One stays awake longer than the Other. One listens to the late night talk show, the novelist babblin...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were my neighbours at rate time. We used to chat across the fence, discuss t...
The diary of a young playwright, complete with mishaps, delays, harpy wives and rewrites galore
From The Mouth Of The Pit, is a featured short story by Richard Douglass. In News Items, a small ...
This morning is so fucktabulous it’s almost like dancing in the nude with your favorite vacuum while...
Here\u27s what I tell myself: I\u27m a mime and this town is the invisible box that I only pretend t...
In the mythical town of Winesburg, Indiana, there lives a cleaning lady who can conjure up the ghost...
Fire and strike sevenfold. Salute and witness the grown-upswhiskey stagger around the farmstead and ...
The contemporary playwright Timberlake Wertenbaker has shown a long-standing engagement with the the...
Student-produced magazine formerly published as Chicago Arts and Communication, changed to Echo maga...
After the third accident, not his fault,Amtrack desked my Uncle Dave for good. At familygatherings h...