Feedback Classification of Multi-Input Nonlinear Control Systems

  • Tall, Issa Amadou
Publication date
January 2005


We study the feedback group action on multi-input nonlinear control systems with uncontrollable mode. We follow slightly an approach proposed in Kang and Krener [W. Kang and A. J. Krener, SIAM J. Control. Optim., 30 (1992), pp. 1319–1337] which consists of analyzing the system and the feedback group step by step. We construct a normal form which generalizes, on one hand, the results obtained in the single-input case and, on the other hand, those recently obtained by the same author in the controllable case. We illustrate our results by studying the Caltech Multi-Vehicle Wireless Testbed (MVWT) and the prototype of Planar Vertical TakeOff and Landing aircraft (PVTOL). We also study the notion of bifurcation of controllability for systems wit...

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