Minority stressors and psychological distress in transgender individuals

  • Timmins, Liam
  • Rimes, Katharine A.
  • Rahman, Qazi
Publication date
January 2017


This study tested direct and indirect associations between minority stressors and psychological distress in a large, geographically diverse sample of transgender individuals (N = 1,207). Transgender individuals were recruited for an online, cross-sectional survey using targeted sampling. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model, which was based on Hatzenbuehler's (2009) integrative mediation framework. Expectations of rejection, self-stigma, and prejudice events were all associated with psychological distress, and these relationships were partially accounted for by rumination. This model had good fit (Tucker-Lewis Index =.96, Comparative Fit Index =.98, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation =.05, 90% CI [.05,.0...

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