Analysis of Determinants of Farm Size Productivity among Small- Holder Cassava Farmers in South East Agro Ecological Zone, Nigeria

  • Anyaegbunam, H. N.
  • Nto, P. O.
  • Okoye, B. C.
  • Madu, T. U.
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Publication date
January 2012


Aims: To examine the socioeconomic characteristics of the farmers and determinants of farm size productivity among small-holder cassava farmers. Study design: Time series data. Place and Duration of study: The study was carried out in 2009 in the south-east agro ecological zone of Nigeria. April-June, 2009. Methodology: A multistage randomized sampling method was used in selecting four states – Abia, Akwa Ibom, Imo and Cross River and then 240 cassava farmers in the area of study. Structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used to elicit information from the respondents. Information sought bordered on the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents and input use. Analysis of data was carried out using log-linear regression mo...

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