Railway Ticket Booking System with Restricted Wi Fi Zone

  • Gayatri Shelar
  • Vikas Rathod
  • Prof. Shital Patil
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Publication date
June 2018


The main aim of the proposed system is to reform the current ticket booking process for Suburban Railway. With the help of this application travellers will be able to book the ticket through their mobile using the WI FI connectivity. It can also keep the track of most recent tickets purchases. This is an effort towards queue less ticket booking system and helps passengers utilize their time, which they waste awaiting in the queue. This system provides facility and flexibility to book the ticket using restricted WI FI zones available on platforms. Provided Android application can be only accessed within the WI FI zones only. After ticket booking, tickets will be downloaded directly on smart Phones. Users can directly carry the E Ticket in th...

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