Scholastic Theology [418] الحاشیة القدیمة

  • Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawwānī
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Publication date
June 2021


Scholastic Theology. This manuscript is now IO Islamic B139 in the India Office collections. [metadata: Otto Loth, A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, (volume 1), no. 418 here with further notations and hyperlinks]. 418. B 139. Size 71/4 in. by 43/4 in.; foll. 153. Seventeen lines in a page. Another copy of the preceding workpreceding work. Very neatly written in Nasta’liḳ, by Muḥammad Riḍa b. Ismâ’îl Hamadânî, in the Raḍawîyah Academy at Shîrâz. Dated Tuesday, 22nd Sha’bân, 999 [=15 June 1591 CE]. Incomplete at the end. The last gloss is: قوله نعم لو لم یجعل الکرة (=fol. 138 of the preceding MS.)

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