Spatial dynamics can promote persistence of strongly interacting predators and prey. Theory predicts that spatial predator-prey systems are prone to long transients, meaning that the dynamics leading to persistence or extinction manifest over hundreds of generations. Furthermore, the form and duration of transients may be altered by spatial network structure. Few empirical studies have examined the importance of transients in spatial food webs, especially in a network context, due to the difficulty in collecting the large scale and long-term data required. We examined predator-prey dynamics in protist microcosms using three experimental spatial structures: isolated, river-like dendritic networks and regular lattice networks. Densities and p...
1. We investigate the metapopulation dynamics of an extinction-prone host-parasitoid interaction. 2....
Traditionally, community models have focused on density-dependent factors. More recently, though, st...
Ecological networks are typically complex constructions of species and their interactions. During th...
1. Understanding the consequences of spatial structure on ecological dynamics is a central theme in ...
In theory, predator-prey pairs with extinction-prone local populations can persist through metapopul...
Landscape connectivity structure, specifically the dendritic network structure of rivers, is expecte...
This study tests whether spatial dynamics can stabilize metapopulations with a small number of patch...
1. Understanding the consequences of spatial structure on ecological dynamics is a central theme in ...
Landscape connectivity structure, specifically the dendritic network structure of rivers, is expecte...
We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persistence of comple...
The distributions of species lifetimes and species in space are related, since species with good loc...
We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persistence of comple...
Habitat network connectivity influences colonization dynamics, species invasions, and biodiversity p...
Background: We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persisten...
Space and time promote variation in network structure by affecting the likelihood of potential inter...
1. We investigate the metapopulation dynamics of an extinction-prone host-parasitoid interaction. 2....
Traditionally, community models have focused on density-dependent factors. More recently, though, st...
Ecological networks are typically complex constructions of species and their interactions. During th...
1. Understanding the consequences of spatial structure on ecological dynamics is a central theme in ...
In theory, predator-prey pairs with extinction-prone local populations can persist through metapopul...
Landscape connectivity structure, specifically the dendritic network structure of rivers, is expecte...
This study tests whether spatial dynamics can stabilize metapopulations with a small number of patch...
1. Understanding the consequences of spatial structure on ecological dynamics is a central theme in ...
Landscape connectivity structure, specifically the dendritic network structure of rivers, is expecte...
We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persistence of comple...
The distributions of species lifetimes and species in space are related, since species with good loc...
We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persistence of comple...
Habitat network connectivity influences colonization dynamics, species invasions, and biodiversity p...
Background: We are interested in understanding if metacommunity dynamics contribute to the persisten...
Space and time promote variation in network structure by affecting the likelihood of potential inter...
1. We investigate the metapopulation dynamics of an extinction-prone host-parasitoid interaction. 2....
Traditionally, community models have focused on density-dependent factors. More recently, though, st...
Ecological networks are typically complex constructions of species and their interactions. During th...