Een onderzoek bij 10 koeien werd uitgevoerd om voortdurend de lichaamstemperatuur te meten en de verkregen gegevens op te slaan in de computer, en om de variatie in temperatuur na te gaan i.v.m. tijdsfactoren en het gedrag van de ko
Using an implantable microchip for measuring body temperature in dairy calves M.M. Woodrum1 and J.H....
Objective: As dairy herds increase in size, close monitoring of health becomes a necessity, but this...
In the cattle breeding industry, where artificial insemination techniques are employed, the successf...
Regular measurement of the body surface temperature can help to assess the health status of animals....
ABSTRACT. Core body temperature is an important physiological measure of animal thermoregulatory res...
A bolus containing a mote (temperature sensor, processor and radio) was placed in the rumen of a fis...
The aim of the dissertation was to present technical possibilities of scanning and measuring the bod...
Continuous recording of core body temperature is the major requisite to study thermodynamics of the ...
Thermal regulation via physiological processes has allowed mammals to survive and thrive in a number...
In the research the assessment of the impact of sensors found in the milking unit during the process...
In cantle breeding industry, where artificial insemination techniques are employed, the successful d...
The body temperature of cattle varies regularly with both the reproductive cycle and disease status....
2 volsAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX91854 / BLDSC - British Library D...
Biologische melkveehouders hebben via het project Bioveem gevraagd om gangbare en alternatieve meetm...
<div><p>The body temperature of cattle varies regularly with both the reproductive cycle and disease...
Using an implantable microchip for measuring body temperature in dairy calves M.M. Woodrum1 and J.H....
Objective: As dairy herds increase in size, close monitoring of health becomes a necessity, but this...
In the cattle breeding industry, where artificial insemination techniques are employed, the successf...
Regular measurement of the body surface temperature can help to assess the health status of animals....
ABSTRACT. Core body temperature is an important physiological measure of animal thermoregulatory res...
A bolus containing a mote (temperature sensor, processor and radio) was placed in the rumen of a fis...
The aim of the dissertation was to present technical possibilities of scanning and measuring the bod...
Continuous recording of core body temperature is the major requisite to study thermodynamics of the ...
Thermal regulation via physiological processes has allowed mammals to survive and thrive in a number...
In the research the assessment of the impact of sensors found in the milking unit during the process...
In cantle breeding industry, where artificial insemination techniques are employed, the successful d...
The body temperature of cattle varies regularly with both the reproductive cycle and disease status....
2 volsAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX91854 / BLDSC - British Library D...
Biologische melkveehouders hebben via het project Bioveem gevraagd om gangbare en alternatieve meetm...
<div><p>The body temperature of cattle varies regularly with both the reproductive cycle and disease...
Using an implantable microchip for measuring body temperature in dairy calves M.M. Woodrum1 and J.H....
Objective: As dairy herds increase in size, close monitoring of health becomes a necessity, but this...
In the cattle breeding industry, where artificial insemination techniques are employed, the successf...