Biomass-derived catalysts: synthesis and characterization of hydrochars and pyrochars

  • C. Antonetti
  • D. Licursi
  • B. Bertini
  • N. Di Fidio
  • S. Fulignati
  • A. M. Raspolli Galletti
Publication date
January 2022


Lignocellulosic biomass is one of the more important renewable sources and it will play a strategic role in many future markets, taking into consideration that a renewable energy share of 32% is binding at the European level by 2030. Deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass can be carried out via hydrothermal processes and, among them, hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) represents a versatile process, which promotes the progressively deoxygenation of the biomass, under relatively mild reaction conditions. The obtained solid-rich product, called hydrochar, can be used in a wide range of applications, such as adsorption, energy storage, CO2 sequestration, catalysis etc. In this last field, within the project PRIN 2020 LEVANTE “LEvulinic acid V...

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