Processes involved in the propagation of rifts near Hemmen Ice Rise, Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica.

  • Larour, Eric
  • Rignot, E.
  • Aubry, Denis
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Publication date
January 2004
International Glaciological Society


Interferometric radar images collected by ERS-1, ERS-2 and RADARSAT-1 are used to observe the rupture tip of rifts that propagate along Hemmen Ice Rise on the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Interferograms generated in 1992 and 1997 allow for the observation of ice deformation accumulated over 9 and 24 days respectively. These interferograms are combined, in order to separate the continuous process of creep deformation from the more cyclic motion caused by variations in ocean tide. An examination of local gradients in creep deformation reveals the pattern of ice deformation around and near the rupture tips and rifts with great precision (up to 10 cm a(-1)). We compare the observations with a deformation model for ice and obtain the following r...

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