Various approaches to the implementation of the concept of extended producer responsibility in the European Union are considered, and the features of the introduction and use of the closed-cycle economy in European countries are determined. Some examples of the impact of waste legislation on the production cycle of a product in the European Union are considered, as well as the main obstacles that manufacturers had to face when trying to introduce the extended producer responsibility concept in its current form into production. The key problems of using and implementing the concept under consideration in the economy are highlighted. The interrelation of ESG factors as guidelines for strategic development with the need for the development of ...
A quantitative comparison of the optimal characteristics of two schemes of construction of the gas i...
The article presents a study of human development in the United States. The dynamics of public expen...
Based on the analysis of the Russian broadband access market, the main drivers of growth in the cost...
The exogenous and endogenous fundamental approaches of the leading scientists to the models of busin...
The principles of formation of a digital organization and the main steps of transformation of custom...
The metamodern period presents new challenges to modern organizations. The philosophical concepts of...
It has been noted that the stabilization of the environmental situation is one of the priorities of ...
The nature of educational services of higher education has been considered and a number of factors, ...
Now, when the world economy is gradually transforming into a low-carbon one, the criterion of sustai...
COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments to the development of the country’s economy in terms of chang...
The issues of assessing the investment attractiveness of the project for the production of methanol ...
The process of forming the image of a civil servant should be carried out in two directions: influen...
A set of theoretical, practical and methodological issues of determining the economic status of the ...
The banking system is associated with the risk of information leakage,employee abuse, and external t...
The commercial activities of the Logfort transport company have been analysed through a functional-e...
A quantitative comparison of the optimal characteristics of two schemes of construction of the gas i...
The article presents a study of human development in the United States. The dynamics of public expen...
Based on the analysis of the Russian broadband access market, the main drivers of growth in the cost...
The exogenous and endogenous fundamental approaches of the leading scientists to the models of busin...
The principles of formation of a digital organization and the main steps of transformation of custom...
The metamodern period presents new challenges to modern organizations. The philosophical concepts of...
It has been noted that the stabilization of the environmental situation is one of the priorities of ...
The nature of educational services of higher education has been considered and a number of factors, ...
Now, when the world economy is gradually transforming into a low-carbon one, the criterion of sustai...
COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments to the development of the country’s economy in terms of chang...
The issues of assessing the investment attractiveness of the project for the production of methanol ...
The process of forming the image of a civil servant should be carried out in two directions: influen...
A set of theoretical, practical and methodological issues of determining the economic status of the ...
The banking system is associated with the risk of information leakage,employee abuse, and external t...
The commercial activities of the Logfort transport company have been analysed through a functional-e...
A quantitative comparison of the optimal characteristics of two schemes of construction of the gas i...
The article presents a study of human development in the United States. The dynamics of public expen...
Based on the analysis of the Russian broadband access market, the main drivers of growth in the cost...