Here we present high sensitivity, in situ Th and U isotope ratio determinations in carbonates using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). Online addition of a well characterized 229Th-233U-236U isotopic spike to the laser generated aerosol by means of a desolvating nebulizer enabled to monitor and correct for mass discrimination and elemental fractionation effects of U and Th. The efficacy of inter-element, mass discrimination, and peak tailing baseline corrections were critically evaluated and optimized. Using a “jet” interface ICPMS setup improved the detection efficiency to a yield of 1-2%. Thereby sufficiently high signal intensities have been achieved even for the low abundant isotope 230Th in stalagmi...
We present a new methodology for the U/Th dating of carbonate materials using femtosecond laser abla...
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb geochronology of carbon...
The in-situ U-Pb isotopic geochronology of carbonate minerals has some broad application prospects, ...
Here we present high sensitivity, in situ Th and U isotope ratio determinations in carbonates using ...
U-Th dating is frequently used to determine the timing of Earth’s geological, environmental, and bio...
U-Th (or 238U–234U–232Th–230Th) dating is frequently used to determine the timing of Earth’s geologi...
U-Th dating has frequently been used to determine the timing of Earth’s geological, environmental, a...
U-Th dating is frequently used to determine the timing of Earth’s geological, environmental, and bio...
We present an in-situ method for Th and U isotope measurements by laser ablation multi-collector ind...
We present an in-situ method for Th and U isotope measurements by laser ablation multi-collector ind...
We have optimized techniques to measure uranium and thorium isotopic compositions using secondary el...
We present multi-collector (MC) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) protocols devel...
U−Pb geochronology of calcite using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-...
a b s t r a c t We have developed techniques for measuring 234 U and 230 Th on Faraday cups with...
The capabilities and potential applications of in situ dating of Quaternary materials using laser ab...
We present a new methodology for the U/Th dating of carbonate materials using femtosecond laser abla...
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb geochronology of carbon...
The in-situ U-Pb isotopic geochronology of carbonate minerals has some broad application prospects, ...
Here we present high sensitivity, in situ Th and U isotope ratio determinations in carbonates using ...
U-Th dating is frequently used to determine the timing of Earth’s geological, environmental, and bio...
U-Th (or 238U–234U–232Th–230Th) dating is frequently used to determine the timing of Earth’s geologi...
U-Th dating has frequently been used to determine the timing of Earth’s geological, environmental, a...
U-Th dating is frequently used to determine the timing of Earth’s geological, environmental, and bio...
We present an in-situ method for Th and U isotope measurements by laser ablation multi-collector ind...
We present an in-situ method for Th and U isotope measurements by laser ablation multi-collector ind...
We have optimized techniques to measure uranium and thorium isotopic compositions using secondary el...
We present multi-collector (MC) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) protocols devel...
U−Pb geochronology of calcite using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-...
a b s t r a c t We have developed techniques for measuring 234 U and 230 Th on Faraday cups with...
The capabilities and potential applications of in situ dating of Quaternary materials using laser ab...
We present a new methodology for the U/Th dating of carbonate materials using femtosecond laser abla...
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb geochronology of carbon...
The in-situ U-Pb isotopic geochronology of carbonate minerals has some broad application prospects, ...