Porrhomma macrochelis (Emerton, 1917) Gongylidium macrochelis Emerton, 1917 — Emerton (1917): p. 263, Figs. 15.1–3 (descr. ♂); synonymised with Macrargus multesimus (O. Pickard-Cambridge) by Buckle et al. (2001: 130), based on type material examination. Porrhomma macrochelis — Chamberlin & Ivie (1947): p. 61. Material examined. ALASKA, 5 mi. So. Rapids on Richardson Highway, 63°42'N, 145°50'W, June 16, 1945, 1 ♀, J.C. Chamberlin coll., det. Wilton Ivie 1946; Matanuska, 61°N, 149°W, August–October, 1943, 1 ♀, leg. J.C. Chamberlin, det. Wilton Ivie (AMNH). Comments. In the original description, the male of Gongylidium macrochelis is characterised by a dull orange cephalothorax, large and thick chelicerae with a ...
Fil: Pereira, Luis Alberto. División Zoología Invertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo....
Urophora veruata Rondani, 1870 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1870a: 14 (key), 18 (description). TYPE LOC...
Clubiona Latreille, 1804, with more than 500 named species, is one of the largest genera of Araneae....
Porrhomma marphaense Wunderlich, 1983 Porrhomma marphaense Wunderlich, 1983 — Wunderlich (1983): ...
The genera of Xylomyidae (=Solvidae) are discussed. Formosolva was reinstalled as an independent gen...
Macropus Shaw, 1790. Nat. Mise., 1, pl. 23 (text). TYPE SPECIES: Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790. ...
Phyllophaga sociata (Horn, 1878) Figures 1–2, 7–8 Listrochelus sociatus Horn 1878: 146. Lectotyp...
dallasi (Macrorhaphis) Schouteden 1905: 181–182. [Fig. 47] Original data: “ ♀ ”; “ Habitat...
Porrhomma microps (Roewer, 1931) Figs. 34A–F. Troglohyphantes microps Roewer, 1931 — Roewer (193...
Olcyphides cancellatus Redtenbacher, 1906 was described from Canton, China, in error. The species wa...
acuta (Macrorhaphis ?) Dallas 1851: 88. [Fig. 1] Original data: “ ♁”. “a. Congo. Presented by Si...
Genus Goeldichironomus Fittkau Goeldichironomus Fittkau, 1965: 210. Type species, Chironomus holo...
FIGURES 12–17. 12–15. Reductholaspis analis (Hyatt & Emberson) comb. nov., female. 12. Chelicera; 13...
19. Polysphincta bohemani var. tropicus Morley 1912 Sinarachna tropica (Morley 1912): Townes & To...
Olcyphides cancellatus Redtenbacher, 1906 was described from Canton, China, in error. The species wa...
Fil: Pereira, Luis Alberto. División Zoología Invertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo....
Urophora veruata Rondani, 1870 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1870a: 14 (key), 18 (description). TYPE LOC...
Clubiona Latreille, 1804, with more than 500 named species, is one of the largest genera of Araneae....
Porrhomma marphaense Wunderlich, 1983 Porrhomma marphaense Wunderlich, 1983 — Wunderlich (1983): ...
The genera of Xylomyidae (=Solvidae) are discussed. Formosolva was reinstalled as an independent gen...
Macropus Shaw, 1790. Nat. Mise., 1, pl. 23 (text). TYPE SPECIES: Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790. ...
Phyllophaga sociata (Horn, 1878) Figures 1–2, 7–8 Listrochelus sociatus Horn 1878: 146. Lectotyp...
dallasi (Macrorhaphis) Schouteden 1905: 181–182. [Fig. 47] Original data: “ ♀ ”; “ Habitat...
Porrhomma microps (Roewer, 1931) Figs. 34A–F. Troglohyphantes microps Roewer, 1931 — Roewer (193...
Olcyphides cancellatus Redtenbacher, 1906 was described from Canton, China, in error. The species wa...
acuta (Macrorhaphis ?) Dallas 1851: 88. [Fig. 1] Original data: “ ♁”. “a. Congo. Presented by Si...
Genus Goeldichironomus Fittkau Goeldichironomus Fittkau, 1965: 210. Type species, Chironomus holo...
FIGURES 12–17. 12–15. Reductholaspis analis (Hyatt & Emberson) comb. nov., female. 12. Chelicera; 13...
19. Polysphincta bohemani var. tropicus Morley 1912 Sinarachna tropica (Morley 1912): Townes & To...
Olcyphides cancellatus Redtenbacher, 1906 was described from Canton, China, in error. The species wa...
Fil: Pereira, Luis Alberto. División Zoología Invertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo....
Urophora veruata Rondani, 1870 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1870a: 14 (key), 18 (description). TYPE LOC...
Clubiona Latreille, 1804, with more than 500 named species, is one of the largest genera of Araneae....