U tenisu se često ističu različite motoričke sposobnosti kao što su koordinacija, brzina, agilnost i snaga, dok se vrlo mali značaj pridaje ostalim motoričkim sposobnostima poput ravnoteže. Iako ravnoteža kao motorička sposobnost nije najistaknutija sposobnost u tenisu o njoj uvelike ovisi preciznost i kvaliteta izvođenja udaraca. Pregledom literature ustanovljen je nedostatan broj istraživanja koji povezuju ravnotežu i preciznost izvedbe forehand i backhand udaraca. Cilj rada je istražiti povezanost ravnoteže i preciznosti forehand i backhand udaraca kod natjecatelja dobi 10-14 godina (kategorije: U-12 i U-14). Sposobnost ravnoteže izmjerena je dijagnostičkim putem kroz 3 testa za procjenu ravnoteže i uspoređena s rezultatima testa precizn...
INTRODUCTION: Successful performance of the tennis forehand drive (FH) relies heavily on the player’...
Background: Nowadays tennis is becoming faster and players are able to hit powerful from virtually a...
Název práce: Rozvoj rovnováhy u tenistů ve věku 6 - 15 let Cíle práce: Cílem této práce bylo navrhno...
U tenisu se često ističu različite motoričke sposobnosti kao što su koordinacija, brzina, agilnost i...
The aim of the present study was to assess the performance of tennis groundstrokes by young tennis p...
Title: Junior tennis technique The bachelor's thesis analyzes the technique of shots among junior te...
Background: Tennis develops faster nowadays, and tennis players are able to powerfully hit from a va...
The problem of the research was student’s lack forehand drive ability that resulting less points...
open4siThe purpose of the study was to investigate biomechanical characteristics of the forehand str...
O forehand e o backhand são as técnicas de movimentos mais utilizados no tênis. São golpes técnicos ...
Some of the beginner athletes in UKM of court tennis in UPGRIS conduct swing on the forehand, striki...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability of the flat forehand drive stroke with a three-...
Tennis is a sports branch with a lot of coordinated properties. The physical, physiological and moto...
This study aimed to compare balance performance, agility, eye-hand coordination between amateur tenn...
Name: Evaluation the accuracy of forehand in tenis Aim: The aim of the thesis is to verificate the o...
INTRODUCTION: Successful performance of the tennis forehand drive (FH) relies heavily on the player’...
Background: Nowadays tennis is becoming faster and players are able to hit powerful from virtually a...
Název práce: Rozvoj rovnováhy u tenistů ve věku 6 - 15 let Cíle práce: Cílem této práce bylo navrhno...
U tenisu se često ističu različite motoričke sposobnosti kao što su koordinacija, brzina, agilnost i...
The aim of the present study was to assess the performance of tennis groundstrokes by young tennis p...
Title: Junior tennis technique The bachelor's thesis analyzes the technique of shots among junior te...
Background: Tennis develops faster nowadays, and tennis players are able to powerfully hit from a va...
The problem of the research was student’s lack forehand drive ability that resulting less points...
open4siThe purpose of the study was to investigate biomechanical characteristics of the forehand str...
O forehand e o backhand são as técnicas de movimentos mais utilizados no tênis. São golpes técnicos ...
Some of the beginner athletes in UKM of court tennis in UPGRIS conduct swing on the forehand, striki...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability of the flat forehand drive stroke with a three-...
Tennis is a sports branch with a lot of coordinated properties. The physical, physiological and moto...
This study aimed to compare balance performance, agility, eye-hand coordination between amateur tenn...
Name: Evaluation the accuracy of forehand in tenis Aim: The aim of the thesis is to verificate the o...
INTRODUCTION: Successful performance of the tennis forehand drive (FH) relies heavily on the player’...
Background: Nowadays tennis is becoming faster and players are able to hit powerful from virtually a...
Název práce: Rozvoj rovnováhy u tenistů ve věku 6 - 15 let Cíle práce: Cílem této práce bylo navrhno...