Opposing positions about the ecological transition are part of a long tradition. They pit those who espouse the age-old movement championing modernity against those who contest it, based on the movement sparked by modernity itself. There is no likelihood of these conflicting interpretations suddenly disappearing. The points of disagreement that led to the emergence of ecological thinking in the 19th century are still very much present, reflected in contemporary opposition between the “solutions” offered by green growth and eco-modernism and the partisans of degrowth in terms of material wealth. The outcome of the transition currently underway, commensurate with the obstacles it seeks to overcome, is profoundly uncertain. Ecological transiti...
Edited by Mathilde Martin-Moreau, David Ménascé and Iris Levy. Harvey V. Fineberg Foreword Nicolas R...
International audienceThis paper analyzes the relevance of ecological modernization in order to thin...
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution environmentalists have drawn attention to the comin...
Opposing positions about the ecological transition are part of a long tradition. They pit those who ...
At a time when there is growing consensus in international policy-making about the urge to act on cl...
The fight for ecological transformation is waged across multiple fronts: decarbonizing the economy, ...
Ecological Modernisation Theory has been faced with various challenges from different theoretical pe...
The defining feature of (post)modern environmentalism is its focus on damage to ecosystems, includin...
While there is increasing unanimity about the diagnosis, the same cannot be said for the question of...
With the early success of the deep ecology movement in attracting adherents and with the increasing ...
Contemporary environmental policy is marked by an emphasis on the fight against climate change. Tech...
With the early success of the deep ecology movement in attracting adherents and with the increasing ...
The paper examines different practices, imaginaries and programs of ecological transitions whose art...
This paper aims to identify and relate different ecological approaches (primarily Preservation and C...
The growing appreciation of the global environmental crisis has generated what should have...
Edited by Mathilde Martin-Moreau, David Ménascé and Iris Levy. Harvey V. Fineberg Foreword Nicolas R...
International audienceThis paper analyzes the relevance of ecological modernization in order to thin...
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution environmentalists have drawn attention to the comin...
Opposing positions about the ecological transition are part of a long tradition. They pit those who ...
At a time when there is growing consensus in international policy-making about the urge to act on cl...
The fight for ecological transformation is waged across multiple fronts: decarbonizing the economy, ...
Ecological Modernisation Theory has been faced with various challenges from different theoretical pe...
The defining feature of (post)modern environmentalism is its focus on damage to ecosystems, includin...
While there is increasing unanimity about the diagnosis, the same cannot be said for the question of...
With the early success of the deep ecology movement in attracting adherents and with the increasing ...
Contemporary environmental policy is marked by an emphasis on the fight against climate change. Tech...
With the early success of the deep ecology movement in attracting adherents and with the increasing ...
The paper examines different practices, imaginaries and programs of ecological transitions whose art...
This paper aims to identify and relate different ecological approaches (primarily Preservation and C...
The growing appreciation of the global environmental crisis has generated what should have...
Edited by Mathilde Martin-Moreau, David Ménascé and Iris Levy. Harvey V. Fineberg Foreword Nicolas R...
International audienceThis paper analyzes the relevance of ecological modernization in order to thin...
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution environmentalists have drawn attention to the comin...