Futsal sports have developed and are popular in Indonesia. Sumber Jaya Futsal is one of the providers of futsal field rental business in Tangerang. Sumber Jaya Futsal currently does not have a web-based system, the system for leasing futsal fields in Sumber Jaya Futsal is still conventional, where customers come directly or by calling to find out the schedule of available futsal fields. The rental transaction scheduling and report system is still using a notebook. Based on the problem, the purpose of this research is to produce a draft web application for futsal field rental at Sumber Jaya Futsal Tangerang. In this study to collect data the author uses case studies with methods of observation and literature. The design of this web applicati...
Abstrak: Pada Kota Singkawang proses penyewaan lapangan futsal masih menggunakan sistem konvensional...
In Indonesia, there is one well-known sport, namely Futsal. Therefore, there are many businesses suc...
Aplikasi penyewaan jadwal lapangan futsal ini digunakan untuk memudahkan penyewa mengetahui jadwal ...
SONIC FUTSAL is the pioneer of the first indoor soccer in Palembang, and the one of private company ...
The presentation of information on the availability of the futsal field which is still manual is one...
ABSTRACT - This futsal schedule rental app is used to facilitate futsal schedule futsal editing, to ...
This Futsal field Reservation system is a system developed to help facilitate the process of orderin...
Abstract - Today the world is familiar with internet-based technologies such as websites where all t...
The writing is about a quick profile of the ground lease is also futsal.Selainadministrators and ord...
The writing is about a quick profile of the ground lease is also futsal.Selainadministrators and ord...
Abstraksi Usaha penyewaan lapangan futsal saat ini tumbuh semakin pesat khususnya wilayah Surakarta,...
Technological developments at this time is very very rapid, especially technology related to compute...
Futsal merupakan olahraga yang digemari oleh hampir semua kalangan, namun masih kebanyakan di tempat...
Futsal is one of the sports that is in great demand by various ages in almost all regions of Indones...
Olahraga merupakan bentuk aktifitas fisik terencana dan terstruktur yang melibatkan gerak tubuh dan ...
Abstrak: Pada Kota Singkawang proses penyewaan lapangan futsal masih menggunakan sistem konvensional...
In Indonesia, there is one well-known sport, namely Futsal. Therefore, there are many businesses suc...
Aplikasi penyewaan jadwal lapangan futsal ini digunakan untuk memudahkan penyewa mengetahui jadwal ...
SONIC FUTSAL is the pioneer of the first indoor soccer in Palembang, and the one of private company ...
The presentation of information on the availability of the futsal field which is still manual is one...
ABSTRACT - This futsal schedule rental app is used to facilitate futsal schedule futsal editing, to ...
This Futsal field Reservation system is a system developed to help facilitate the process of orderin...
Abstract - Today the world is familiar with internet-based technologies such as websites where all t...
The writing is about a quick profile of the ground lease is also futsal.Selainadministrators and ord...
The writing is about a quick profile of the ground lease is also futsal.Selainadministrators and ord...
Abstraksi Usaha penyewaan lapangan futsal saat ini tumbuh semakin pesat khususnya wilayah Surakarta,...
Technological developments at this time is very very rapid, especially technology related to compute...
Futsal merupakan olahraga yang digemari oleh hampir semua kalangan, namun masih kebanyakan di tempat...
Futsal is one of the sports that is in great demand by various ages in almost all regions of Indones...
Olahraga merupakan bentuk aktifitas fisik terencana dan terstruktur yang melibatkan gerak tubuh dan ...
Abstrak: Pada Kota Singkawang proses penyewaan lapangan futsal masih menggunakan sistem konvensional...
In Indonesia, there is one well-known sport, namely Futsal. Therefore, there are many businesses suc...
Aplikasi penyewaan jadwal lapangan futsal ini digunakan untuk memudahkan penyewa mengetahui jadwal ...