The crystal structure of the low-temperature form of AgCuPO4 (i.e., -AgCuPO4) was determined by powder X-ray diffraction and was compared with that of the high-temperature form of AgCuPO4 (i.e., -AgCuPO4). The magnetic properties of the two forms were examined by measuring their magnetic susceptibilities and evaluating the relative strengths of their spin-exchange interactions on the basis of spin-dimer analysis. Both forms of AgCuPO4 have layers of Cu2P2O8 alternating with silver-atom double layers; -AgCuPO4 has two Cu2P2O8 layers per unit cell, while -AgCuPO4 has one. The coordinate environment of each Cu2+ ion is close to being a distorted square pyramid in -AgCuPO4, but it is close to being a distorted trigonal bipyramid in -AgCuPO4. Th...
We review the crystal chemical, electronic, magnetic and superconducting properties of La2CuO4 and r...
The crystal structure of the complex [{Cu2(terpy)Cl4}2](terpy = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) has been det...
Two new alkaline earth copper(II) germanates were hydrothermally synthesized: CaCuGeO4 center dot H2...
The magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of Cu(HCO_2)_2・4H_2O was measured at temperatures bet...
The spin-1/2 Cu(2+) ions of LiCuVO(4) form one-dimensional chains along the b direction, and the spi...
Magnetic susceptibility measurements and a microscopic magnetic model of the mineral clinoclase Cu-3...
For a solid solution series the common description of a crystal as a homogeneous solid formed by a r...
We report magnetic properties of a 3d(9) (Cu2+) magnetic insulator Cu2OSO4 measured on both powder a...
The search for novel compounds with nanosize transition metal oxide frameworks is important for the ...
It is of interest for layered oxides containing copper because they are related to high temperature ...
CuSb2O6 crystallizes in a monoclinically distorted trirutile structure. Although the crystal struct...
We report a detailed study of the magnetic properties of the buckled kagome compound Cu3Y(SeO3)2O2Cl...
The crystal structures, electronic spectra, and Cu2p XPS of Cu(III) complexes Na4H[Cu(H2TeO6)(2)]. 1...
The magnetic properties of the isomorphous compounds α-CrPO4 and α-CrAsO4 have been investigated by ...
The use of hydrothermal methods has allowed the synthesis of a new silver copper mixed oxide, Ag2CuM...
We review the crystal chemical, electronic, magnetic and superconducting properties of La2CuO4 and r...
The crystal structure of the complex [{Cu2(terpy)Cl4}2](terpy = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) has been det...
Two new alkaline earth copper(II) germanates were hydrothermally synthesized: CaCuGeO4 center dot H2...
The magnetic susceptibility of single crystals of Cu(HCO_2)_2・4H_2O was measured at temperatures bet...
The spin-1/2 Cu(2+) ions of LiCuVO(4) form one-dimensional chains along the b direction, and the spi...
Magnetic susceptibility measurements and a microscopic magnetic model of the mineral clinoclase Cu-3...
For a solid solution series the common description of a crystal as a homogeneous solid formed by a r...
We report magnetic properties of a 3d(9) (Cu2+) magnetic insulator Cu2OSO4 measured on both powder a...
The search for novel compounds with nanosize transition metal oxide frameworks is important for the ...
It is of interest for layered oxides containing copper because they are related to high temperature ...
CuSb2O6 crystallizes in a monoclinically distorted trirutile structure. Although the crystal struct...
We report a detailed study of the magnetic properties of the buckled kagome compound Cu3Y(SeO3)2O2Cl...
The crystal structures, electronic spectra, and Cu2p XPS of Cu(III) complexes Na4H[Cu(H2TeO6)(2)]. 1...
The magnetic properties of the isomorphous compounds α-CrPO4 and α-CrAsO4 have been investigated by ...
The use of hydrothermal methods has allowed the synthesis of a new silver copper mixed oxide, Ag2CuM...
We review the crystal chemical, electronic, magnetic and superconducting properties of La2CuO4 and r...
The crystal structure of the complex [{Cu2(terpy)Cl4}2](terpy = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine) has been det...
Two new alkaline earth copper(II) germanates were hydrothermally synthesized: CaCuGeO4 center dot H2...