On a great number of our North-West and Kimberley stations, surplus water, which could be used for irrigation, is available in large quantities from river and creek pools and bores. Many station managers have made use of these water supplies to very good effect, and others are keenly interested
The main aim of this research was to refine best management practices for dryland lucerne (Medicago ...
"The need for effective utilization of grazing areas and the scarcity of stock water have led to unp...
The replanting of trees and other high water use perennial plant options has been the major focus of...
Part 2.-Utilising Native grasses Not all station managers are fortunate enough to have permanent wat...
ONE of the ever-present problems of the pastoral areas is that of providing: watering-points in reas...
Throughout a large portion of the Kimberleys it is becoming increasingly evident that some form of f...
This study, conducted by the Farm Management Department, Lincoln College, investigated, solely on a ...
The dairy industry in northern Victoria, Australia is primarily based on the border check irrigation...
Lucerne, often regarded as the queen of forages, has been used in agriculture for centuries. In West...
Clearing of trees and native vegetation over the past 160 years has led to increasing rates of dryla...
In Tasmania, Australia, forage production is maximised by the use of irrigation. However, availabili...
Lucerne is being widely promoted in Southern Australia for de-watering subsoils to minimise deep dra...
Western Australia\u27s Upper and Lower Great Southern statistical areas include most of the broad-sc...
Large proportions of Western Australia\u27s dryland farms suffer from water supply problems in the f...
In dryland regions of New Zealand lucerne is sown as an alternative species to the most common pastu...
The main aim of this research was to refine best management practices for dryland lucerne (Medicago ...
"The need for effective utilization of grazing areas and the scarcity of stock water have led to unp...
The replanting of trees and other high water use perennial plant options has been the major focus of...
Part 2.-Utilising Native grasses Not all station managers are fortunate enough to have permanent wat...
ONE of the ever-present problems of the pastoral areas is that of providing: watering-points in reas...
Throughout a large portion of the Kimberleys it is becoming increasingly evident that some form of f...
This study, conducted by the Farm Management Department, Lincoln College, investigated, solely on a ...
The dairy industry in northern Victoria, Australia is primarily based on the border check irrigation...
Lucerne, often regarded as the queen of forages, has been used in agriculture for centuries. In West...
Clearing of trees and native vegetation over the past 160 years has led to increasing rates of dryla...
In Tasmania, Australia, forage production is maximised by the use of irrigation. However, availabili...
Lucerne is being widely promoted in Southern Australia for de-watering subsoils to minimise deep dra...
Western Australia\u27s Upper and Lower Great Southern statistical areas include most of the broad-sc...
Large proportions of Western Australia\u27s dryland farms suffer from water supply problems in the f...
In dryland regions of New Zealand lucerne is sown as an alternative species to the most common pastu...
The main aim of this research was to refine best management practices for dryland lucerne (Medicago ...
"The need for effective utilization of grazing areas and the scarcity of stock water have led to unp...
The replanting of trees and other high water use perennial plant options has been the major focus of...