The Use of Audio-visual Learning Media on the Transmission System for Students in Class XI Light Automotive Vehicle Engineering 2 Smk Negeri 1 Palangka Raya of the Academic on 2018/2019

  • Rismawan, I. W. (I)
Publication date
December 2020
Fakultas Teknik, University of Palangka Raya


The usage of Audio-Visual learning media is expected to help improving the students' learning outcomes since it is been low category for while. The purpose of this method is to find out how the learning media such that can contribute in students' learning result progress and how students can show the learning improvement as result of implementation of using Audio-Visual media. The descriptive method is applied for this research to describe the existing phenomena, in which based on current situation and past experience. We apply the quantitative research approach as the process of finding knowledge using data. This means that is as a tool to find information about as we desire to know. Furthermore, data collection techniques are based on the...

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